Jakarta – The citizenship status of Sabu Raijua’s elected regent, Orient P Riwu Kore, was also discussed at the DPR Commission III working meeting with Menkumham Yasonna Laoly. Yasonna revealed the facts about two passports belonging to Orient Riwu Kore.
“From the General Directorate of Population information was obtained that Mr. Orient was still registered as an Indonesian citizen with a KTP and we asked directly by phone through the Director General of AHU that it was true that he had a US passport, there was even an Indonesian passport” Yasonna said during a meeting at the DPR building, Jakarta, on Wednesday (3/17/2021).
“It is known that your US passport will end in 2027, your Indonesian passport will end in April 2024,” he continued.
Yasonna also revealed the family history that allowed Orient Riwu Kore to obtain US citizenship. Orient Riwu Kore has an American wife and children who are soldiers in the United States.
“He is married to a US citizen, has children of US state soldiers, and works on strategic projects in the US. This can make it easier for him to obtain citizenship,” Yasonna said.
Yasonna then outlined the rules of Law 12/2006 on Citizenship. An Indonesian citizen will lose citizenship when he becomes a citizen of another country. There is also a rule that states that a male Indonesian citizen will lose his citizenship when he marries a foreign woman.
“In our law, an Indonesian citizen who obtains foreign citizenship will lose his citizenship. It is also stipulated in 12/2006 that Indonesian men who marry foreign women will lose their citizenship,” he explained.
“Still, the man who is an Indonesian citizen can become an Indonesian citizen by presenting his wish to an official or representative of the Republic of Indonesia, unless that wish results in dual citizenship,” continued Yasonna.
As is well known, the controversy over the citizenship of Orient Riwu Kore arose after he won the Sabu Raijua regional elections and was appointed regent-elect. As a result, his inauguration was postponed and is unclear until now.
Watch video: Regent-elect Sabu Raijua votes on US citizen status.
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