Universities need curricular relaxation


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

President Joko widodo ask for college have a more flexible curriculum amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

This was broadcast by Jokowi when launching the Free Learning Program through the Presidential Secretariat’s Youtube account, on Tuesday (3/11).

“Institutions of higher education must relax the curriculum from rigid to flexible, opening up to new paradigms,” Jokowi said.

Efforts to change the curriculum to be more flexible, Jokowi said, could be done in a more responsive way, for example, from mono to multi, from oriented theory construction Becomes Problem resolution to make impact.

The former mayor of Solo said teachers should be able to make it easy for students to study from anywhere, anytime, anywhere.

Likewise, Jokowi said, a good university is one that builds an ecosystem for free learning and a widely open learning environment.

“The new normality standard must be formulated in various policies in terms of key performance indicators for teachers, priority higher education programs, in terms of budget allocation, infrastructure, including several new SOPs that must be formulated,” explained Jokowi.

Not only in teaching, Jokowi also wants changes in the field of research and community service with a new standard of normality. Jokowi said, the development of digital technology as big data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), can be used for various fields.

“Higher education institutions must compete so that digital innovation can be used for the welfare of society and the progress of the nation, for example, it is used for the development of food independence, energy independence and business development of MSMEs in various sectors, “explained Jokowi.

Amid modern changes, the former governor of DKI Jakarta also called for universities to transform into more dynamic ones, such as creating breakthroughs and building a competitive climate to increase competitiveness.

It also encourages universities to create synergies with BUMN, the industry, the talent pool and everything that is digitally based.

“This is important and another model of cooperation is to optimize skills, promote better achievements. Do not get caught up in the routine of the university, you have to have time, you have to have energy, you must have the courage to make changes,” he concluded.


[Gambas:Video CNN]
