Trending on Twitter, What about Jack Ma? All pages

[ad_1] – Today, Monday (4/1/2021), the hashtag aka the hashtag “Jack Ma” occupies the first position as the most discussed topic in the Indonesian Twitter universe.

As of 11 a.m. WIB, there were more than 17,000 tweets talking about the Chinese billionaire.

After looking at the content of netizens’ tweets, the topic discussed speculation about the existence of Ma, who was said to have been invisible in public for several months.

The developing problem, Ma began to disappear after he criticized the Chinese government led by President Xi JIn Ping.

Where’s Jack Ma?“wrote one of the accounts, commenting on the posting of another account that said Ma was invisible after criticizing the Chinese system of government.

Also read: Move Jack Ma, founder of this startup to be the second richest person in China

A screenshot of Jack Ma's top Twitter trend in Indonesia on Monday (1/4/2021).Twitter A screenshot of Jack Ma’s top Twitter trend in Indonesia on Monday (1/4/2021).

Previously, Ma canceled her appearance at a final event. talent contest who started Africa’s Business Heroes as a jury. Her presence had been programmed, until she was finally replaced by someone else.

Jack Ma’s name is also not on the jury’s list and is no longer featured in the promotional video for the television show.

An Alibaba spokesperson said Ma was unable to attend due to conflicting hours.

“Due to scheduling conflicts, Mr. Ma will no longer be able to be part of the judging panel at the Africa’s Business Heroes final earlier this year,” the spokesman said. Sun, Saturday (1/2/2021).

Also read: Jack Ma does not appear on his reality show after criticism of the Chinese government

Government Criticism and Alibaba Investigation

The 56-year-old businessman mocked the Chinese government by saying that China’s financial regulation system hinders innovation, so it must be reformed to foster growth.

“The current financial system is a legacy of the industrial age. We must prepare a new generation and the younger generation,” he said, as reported. Reuters.

The criticism was delivered by Ma at an event in Shanghai on October 24, 2020.

Soon after, the State Administration of Market Affairs of China (SAMR) began investigating alleged antitrust practices at Ma’s company, Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.

Your efforts will be watched more closely.

Not only that, China is said to have formed a special task force to oversee Alibaba’s subsidiary, Ant Group Co.

The working group is chaired by the Financial Stability and Development Committee (FSDC) and various departments of the Chinese central bank, as well as other regulators.

This task force will routinely call on the Ant Group to collect data, study restructuring, and formulate other regulations in the fintech industry.

Also read: Profile of Zhong Shanshan, the new richest person in Asia who replaced Jack Ma

Stocks plummet

The existence of intense surveillance for several weeks of the operation of the Chinese technology giant caused Alibaba’s business to collapse.

It is also said that Jack Ma is forced to cancel the initial public offering (Initial public offering / IPO) that caused Ant Group’s shares to fail to achieve the largest record in the history of trading on world stock exchanges.

As a result, share prices plummeted on the Hong Kong stock exchange, as reported., Friday (12/25/2020).

At the close of business on December 24, 2020, Alibaba’s share price fell 8 percent. Meanwhile, if calculated from the peak in October, the price of this stock has plummeted 26 percent.

Thus, Alibaba’s valuation value of US $ 240 billion was lost.

Also read: The Covid-19 pandemic, Jack Ma’s wealth increases US $ 1.5 trillion
