TNI: Destruction was carried out over 8 KM, from Arundina to the Ciracas Police Headquarters


JAKARTA, – The commander of the Indonesian Army Military Police Center (Puspomad), Lieutenant General Dodik Widjonarko, said that TNI soldiers caused damage along Arundina to the Ciracas police headquarters in eastern Jakarta.

“The damage started from Arundina to the Ciracas Police. That is why the replacement made by the Pangdam Jaya was extraordinary,” Dodik said at a press conference held at the headquarters in Puspomad, Jakarta, on Wednesday (9/23/2020) .

He said that until now many people suspected that the damage only occurred at the Ciracas Police Headquarters.

Also read: TNI hopes that the witness will provide information about the figure of the Airsoft aircraft carrier in the attack on the Ciracas Police Headquarters

In fact, Dodik said, the vandalism was perpetrated by TNI soldiers approximately 8 kilometers long, from Arundina to the Ciracas Police Headquarters.

However, according to him, the compensation and settlement of this case is a sign that the TNI AD leadership is taking the problem seriously and wants it resolved until it is clear.

TNI investigators have named 66 TNI soldiers as suspects in the alleged attack on the Ciracas police headquarters in East Jakarta.

The total number of suspects consists of 58 soldiers from the Indonesian Army, seven soldiers from the Indonesian Navy and one soldier from the Indonesian Air Force.

The attack on the Ciracas Police Headquarters started with a single accident experienced by Prada MI, in Jalan Kelapa Dua Wetan, Ciracas, East Jakarta, to be precise, near the Arundina traffic light crossing on Saturday (8/29/2020 ) in the morning.

As a result of the accident, Prada MI suffered injuries to his face and body. For his leadership, this TNI AD soldier admitted that he had only one accident.

Also read: Puspom TNI: There have been no signs of participation of officers in the attack on the Cracas Police Headquarters

However, Prada MI transmitted different information to its colleagues. Prada MI admitted that several people were beaten.

In addition to that, the soldiers also received information that insulted the TNI.

The soldiers did not first check the accuracy of the information about the accident. They were caused by false information.

The fake news infuriated the soldiers. Corsa’s soul is an excuse.

In addition to destroying the police facilities, the masses also damaged businesses and attacked residents who passed by.

Also read: Victim of the attack on the Ciracas Police Headquarters, Bripka Tukim will be operated on immediately

Investigators also named Prada MI, who had been hospitalized due to his accident, as a suspect after a marathon exam.

Prada MI is a suspect of article 14 Paragraph 1 juncto Paragraph 2 of Law (Law) Number 1 of 1948 on the Regulation of Criminal Law

This article regulates the spread of fake news. The threat of punishment, 10 years in prison.

Now, Prada MI has been detained in Denpom Jaya / II Cijantung in East Jakarta.
