Threatened with being disbanded because Pangdam Jaya, FPI turns out to help disaster victims and Dhuafa


JEMBER PORTAL – The Front of Islamic Defenders (FPI) has recently been the center of public attention. This is related to the return of the FPI founder and Grand Imam Habib Rizieq Shihab.

The highlight was the statement made by Pangdam Jaya, Major General TNI Dudung Abdurachman, on Friday, November 20, 2020. He made a statement that he would dissolve the FPI if he divided the unit.

At the time, the regional commander responded to the question that his members remove the billboards from Habib Rizieq in Jakarta.

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Dudung’s statement went viral on social media. On Twitter, the hashtag #BubarkanFPI echoed yesterday. Netizens consider FPI to be a radical organization.

As an Indonesian distributed organization, FPI also often carries out various social activities. For example, helping victims of natural disasters, helping the poor, etc.

As posted on the @MCAOps Twitter account on February 2, 2020, a video of FPI members appears in Bondowoso, East Java, helping victims of flash floods in the area.

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