This is why the suspect uploaded the Mahfud Md video



The police arrested four suspects of hate speech who uploaded and distributed a video in which they threatened to cut off the head of the Coordinating Minister of Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Mahfud Md, if he returned to Pamekasan, Madura. What is the suspect’s reason for doing that?

One of the suspects, Muchammad Nawawi or Gus Nawawi (38), uploaded this video through his YouTube account, Amazing Pasuruan. For the police, the man who claimed to be the vice president of FPI Pasuruan’s Organizing Division admitted that his motivation for uploading the video was because he was empathetic and defended the great FPI magnet Habib Rizieq Shihab.

Dirreskrimsus Polda Jatim Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan said Nawawi also understood that the content contained hate speech. However, it is still spreading for that reason.

“MN Nawawi uploaded it to YouTube before. Why did he upload it to YouTube? Because he knows that the content is hate speech and he feels he has empathy for HRS,” Gidion said in Surabaya on Monday (12/14/2020).

“The reason for their statement was that they were sympathizers of the mass organization (FPI),” added Gidion.

Gidion said the reason for this perpetrator was known from his direct confession. Furthermore, the four actors also knew each other and were members of the group IB HRS Defenders Front.

“So in the group, I don’t give a perception, but I give the fact that the group is a group called IB HRS Defenders Front, you can conclude yours,” continued Gidion.

Previously, the suspect, Nawawi, uploaded a threatening video on his YouTubenya Amazing Pasuruan. Later, the video was also distributed by suspects named Abdul Hakam (39), Moch Sirojuddin (37) and Samsul Hadi (40) through the WhatsApp group.

Meanwhile, from this case, the police obtained various evidence. From the suspect’s cell phone to video screenshots and evidence of video distribution through the WhatsApp group.

The four suspects, charged by Law No. RI. 19 of 2016 on Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 11 of 2008 on Electronic Information and Transactions Article 27, paragraph (4) Jo Article 45 paragraph (4) and / or Article 28 paragraph (2) Jo Article 45 paragraph (2)
Article 14 paragraph (1) of Law No. 1 of 1946.

Watch the video ‘4 suspects threatening to cut off members of Mahfud-FPI sympathizers’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

(hil / iwd)
