This is the reason why Terawan fired Yurianto as Director General of the P2P Health Ministry.


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Minister of Health, Terawan Agus Putranto, appointed Achmad Yurianto as the expert staff of the Minister of Health for Health Technology and Globalization, on Friday, October 23, 2020.

Yurianto previously served as General Director of Infectious Disease Prevention and Control. Terawan said job rotation was common in the organizational sphere.

“It is not just about the placement of official figures at certain levels of position and interests. Organizational reform and strengthening are carried out in order to improve performance and maximum implementation of duties and services,” Terawan said in his written statement.

The basis for the appointment of Yurianto as the minister’s expert staff is Presidential Decree Number 155 / TPA of 2020 regarding the dismissal and appointment of and in the upper middle management of the Ministry of Health.

Terawan hopes that the new functions of Yurianto can be carried out in the best possible way with full responsibility and firm commitment. Especially during this pandemic, Terawan asked Yuri to make the pandemic an impetus to innovate and provide easy public access to digital health services.

“I express my greatest appreciation and gratitude for your dedication thus far in carrying out your duties as CEO of P2P, and I hope that the experience thus far can be helpful in carrying out your assignments in a new location,” Terawan said.
