This is the queen’s speech calling the ‘police devil arrest HRS’ that makes her arrest



A housewife, Ratu Wiraksini (53) was arrested by the police for calling the police “dajal police” for arresting Habib Rizieq. The words of Queen Wiraksini were uploaded through the TikTok account @yudinratu.

“There is a video in which a woman declares a hate speech on TikTok social networks with the account name @yudinratu,” said the head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus in a statement to reporters, the Wednesday (12/16/2020)

Viewed detikcomIn the video, Ratu Wiraksini comments on the arrest of Habib Rizieq. While ‘poetry’, Ratu Wiraksini called the police dajal because they had shot 6 laskar from the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI).

“Habib Rizieq is not a terrorist, Habib Rizieq is not a big corruptor who takes money from the state. But why did the Dajal police go after him to kill 6 innocent FPI soldiers?” Ratu Wiraksini said in the video.

The following are the words of Queen Wiraksini in the video:

Habib Rizieq is not a terrorist, Habib Rizieq is not a great corrupter who carries state money. But why did the Dajal police persecute him to the point of killing 6 innocent FPI Laskar?

They are expressing the truth. Oh devil police, we can bear false witness to human beings on this earth but God does not sleep, God is omniscient, the devil police are just waiting for the punishment that will punish you.

Your dajal police are not even going after corrupters who bring money from the state, why are you going after Rizieq’s habib who has told the truth? Hi cop dajal.

That video later prompted the police to investigate. Queen Wiraksini was arrested at her home in Cibungbulan, Bogor Regency on Monday (12/14/2020).

After 1×24 hours of examination, Ratu Wiraksini was sent home. He is not in police custody.

“Not detained, only subject to mandatory reporting,” Kombes Yusri said.

For her actions, the Queen was imputed by article 28 paragraph (2) in conjunction with article 45 A paragraph (2) of Law Number 19 of 2016 on Modifications to Law Number 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions and / o Article 14 and / or Article 15 Law Number 1 of 1946 on Penal Regulations and / or Article 207 of the Penal Code.

Watch the video ‘FPI rests en masse on Bekasi city police calling for HRS release’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

(mei / hri)
