Manado, BeritaManado.com – The Covid-19 case in North Sulawesi (Sulut) is getting worse.
Currently, four areas are labeled as a red zone or high risk zone for the spread of Covid-19.
Based on the publication of the Risk Map of the Covid-19 Central Working Group, the areas are the city of Manado, the north of Minahasa, Tomohon and the southeast of Minahasa.
Meanwhile, the state of least use was also observed in nine districts / cities with an orange zone or moderate risk and the rest in a yellow zone.
In general, active cases nationwide have increased.
The percentage is 14.46% or an increase of 1.05% compared to the previous week.
According to the spokesman for the Covid-19 manipulation working group Prof. Wiku Adisasmito, this is not good news.
“The increase in active cases nationwide shows that there are still many Covid-19 patients in independent treatment and isolation who have not recovered from their illnesses,” said Wiku Adisasmito in giving a press release on the development of Covid management. -19 at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, on Thursday (12/10/2020).
The increase in active cases is believed to be due to efforts to treat Covid-19 patients, which have not worked optimally.
For this reason, he asked the local government to work hard to provide good and standard management so that patients can recover quickly.
If the local government experiences problems in providing health services to Covid-19 patients, they can immediately contact the central government.
Then he said, Covid-19 patients can be disciplined to obey the recommendations of health workers regarding the treatment that is being carried out.
“I also ask that we all not be careless in complying with health protocols. Remember, all stages of treatment provided by healthcare workers are an effort to ensure the patient’s recovery from Covid-19, “he said.
Thanks to healthcare workers who are tireless in dealing with Covid-19 patients.
He hopes that all parties can jointly reduce the rate of transmission and maximize treatment efforts, so that active cases decrease in number and ease the burden on health workers.
(Alfrits semen)