This is Gus Yaqut’s policy on Shiites and Ahmadiyah


Friday, December 25, 2020 – 1:49 PM WIB

This is Gus Yaqut's policy on Shiites and ahmadiyah -

Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas or familiarly called Gus Yaqut. Photo: Doc GP Ansor, JAKARTA – Yaqut religious minister Cholis Qoumas, or as Gus Yaqut is familiar, says the government will uphold the religious rights of Shiites and Ahmadiyya in Indonesia.

Gus Yaqut firmly stated that he did not want any minority religious group to be expelled from their places of origin due to differences in belief.

“They are citizens who must be protected,” Yaqut said when confirmed by ANTARA in Jakarta, We (12/24) s.

Gus Yaqut also stated that the Ministry of Religion would facilitate a more intense dialogue to bridge existing differences.

“A more intense dialogue is needed to bridge the differences. The Ministry of Religion will facilitate,” he said.

The statement was in response to a request by Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta professor Azyumardi Azra for the government to affirm minority issues.

This was broadcast online at the Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI) faculty talk forum in Jakarta on Tuesday (12/15).

“Especially for those who have been marginalized and then there is persecution, that needs affirmation,” Azyumardi said.



