This is Cak Malik’s fate after Nella Kharisma married Dory Harsa


Sunday, September 13, 2020 – 08:24 WIB

Here's Cak Malik's fate after Nella Kharisma marries Dory Harsa -

Union Nella Kharisma and Cak Malik. Photo: Facebook, JAKARTA – Nella Kharisma’s past is in the limelight after announcing her marriage to Dory Harsa.

One of them is the news of her marriage to Cak Malik, OM Ladista’s drummer.

The news of their closeness was stirred after circulating video of Nella Kharisma kissing Cak Malik before taking the stage.

The enigma of Nella and Cak Malik’s relationship is finally revealed. Cak Malik is apparently married to a beautiful woman named Yuliana Suputri.

Their marriage took place on August 2, before Nella Kharisma married Dory Harsa.

Here's Cak Malik's fate after Nella Kharisma married Dory Harsa
The moment of Nella Kharisma and Dory Harsa’s wedding. Photo: Instagram



