TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Amien Rais, the founder of PAN, decided to leave Muhammadiyah’s party.
This former president of the MPR decided to form a new party called the Ummat Party.
Amien mentioned at least two reasons for choosing the name of the Ummat Party.
First, Amien said that in the Quran he encourages people to believe.
So when navigating life in the world, they always execute the two commands of Allah SWT simultaneously.
“First, do Al-Amru bil ma’ruf and An-Nahyu ‘anil munkar. That is, order the defense of virtue and the eradication of evil,” Amien said in the video uploaded to Youtube, Thursday (01/10/2020).
Read: Amien Rais Says Ummah Party Will Fight Oppression And Stand Up For Justice
The second reason, Amien continued, is to carry out Al-Amru bil’adil and An-Nahyu’anidzulmi defending justice and eradicating tyranny.
“If the first moves more at the personal, family and community level or at the micro level. Then the second moves more at the national or macro level and is closely related to issues of power,” he explained.
Amien assured that the Ummat Party was determined to work and fight with the children of the other nation, against injustice and defend justice.
“The Ummat Party will work and fight to defend Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution and all the universal democratic rules,” Amien said.