The working group does not know the end of the Corona pandemic in Indonesia


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Chairman of the Covid-19 Management Acceleration Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito declared a pandemic corona virus (Covid-19) will surely end if found vaccine the virus. Beyond that scenario, it still cannot predict the end of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

“So really, when asked how long no one knows, as long as the vaccine has not been found, we should always deal with this virus,” BNPB said on Tuesday in Graha (5/12).

Wiku predicts that the coronavirus vaccine can be found next year. During the vaccine research period, he asked the public to remain optimistic and disciplined in implementing health protocols in their daily lives.

“The vaccine discovery is probably the fastest next year, we are optimistic that moving the key is to change behavior,” said Wiku.

The changes in behavior that means is to keep moving applying social distancing and discipline to apply a clean and healthy lifestyle.

He called the behavior change like a new normal. The community is expected to adjust well as it continues its daily activities.

“Socially we will definitely experience something new normal or we will have to adapt to activities and work, reduce physical contact, avoid crowds, work and attend school from home,” he explained.

So far, there have been several predictions of a decline in crown virus cases in Indonesia. Predictions from Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) say the corona virus case will end in June 2020, while the epidemic will end on October 7.

Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) predicts that the coronavirus will enter its peak period in May 2020 and will disappear in late July 2020. Similar to the State Intelligence Agency investigation that predicts peak cases in May and will end in July. 2020.

While the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) predicts that the pandemic will end in May until early June 2020. (mln / wis)

[Gambas:Video CNN]
