Sukabumi –
It was reported that the Aqua Bottled Water Factory (AMDK) in the Cicurug district was also a victim of flooding due to the overflowing of the river on Monday (9/21/2020) tonight. The information was posted on Jakarte’s Facebook social media account “Punye Cerite”, which was posted about 2 hours ago.
The video is also viral on the messaging app. Confirmed detikcom, The president of the SAR Regional Communication Forum, Okih Fahri Assidik, confirmed the news.
“The Aqua A1 factory (valid and reliable information) due to the broken panel fence entered the factory,” said Okih through a short message to detikcom.
He said the puddle came from the Cibuntu River flash flood. “The water then flows into the river behind PP Al-Amin and Aqua (factory),” he said.
In the video, you can see a puddle of brown water filling the entire room that looks like a factory building. Several gallons were seen piled up on the steps of the wall above the puddle.
Aside from that video, there is another video showing a stack of boxes with water writing vehicles and forklifts that appear to still be active despite the floor being flooded with brown water.
(He / mud)