The US military regrets supporting Trump after being ridiculed as “loser” and “stupid.”


WASHINGTON DC, – Donald Trump has continued to see a decline in support from military members and families in opinion polls, especially after widespread mockery of veterans and troops killed in the war.

Last week, the US commander-in-chief described the members of the US servicemen who were killed and captured as “losers” and “stupid.”

Trump made the remarks in 2018, when he canceled a visit to an American military cemetery in Paris to pay his respects, because he thought the soldiers who died were “losers” and “stupid.”

Besides, she didn’t want the rain to ruin her hair.

Trump’s statement was revealed by the magazine The Atlantic pocketing 4 sources close to Trump.

Instantly report The Atlantic published approximately 2 months before the US presidential election on November 3, 2020, it drew criticism.

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Launching The Guardian On Monday (9/7/2020), a 2016 poll showed active duty service members preferred Trump to Hilary Clinton by a wide margin.

However, polls in late July and early August this year, conducted by show that support for Trump has steadily declined since he was elected.

Almost 50 percent of those surveyed reported unpleasant opinions about Trump.

“I encourage all veterans to use their military photos as profile photos to tell Trump how many people he has hurt by calling fallen soldiers losers and idiots. #NewProfilePics, “David Weissman said on his Twitter account last week, which went viral.

Weissman is a military veteran who describes himself as someone who “regrets” Trump supporters.

Thomas Richardson, a retired member of the 82nd Air Force, said Associated Press who was offended by the news.

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“Usually (military forces), you don’t choose what kind of mission. He agreed to serve and agreed to go to his place of assignment, “Richardson said.

An active member who is stationed at the United States Military Academy at West Point Military Academy said The Guardian on Monday (7/9/2020), that the president’s comments aren’t always surprising.

“I will not forget it. But I could not elect my commander-in-chief (president), and I took what he said painfully,” he said.

The service member added: “Whatever the political leaders say, there is little we can do. We are apolitical.”

“We know that they (the political leaders) are going to change in 4 or 8 years. Yes, they are in charge of us, but it is our leaders who make the foundation (of statehood), that’s why we trust them,” he continued . .

Others, however, expressed skepticism about the reports, with some voices from veterans’ families and the divided military.

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“If you twist the words or just take something out of context, you’ll always find a way to hate it,” Katie Constandse, 37, who is married to a soldier stationed at Fort Bragg, told Associated Press.

“He is human. He took a lot of work. I don’t know how he survived for almost 4 years with a constant barrage of anger against him,” Constandse said.

“We don’t need someone who is warm and cuddly,” he added.

A 2019 Pew Research poll shows that veterans are still largely behind Trump’s leadership in the nation’s military, which came after the death of Republican Senator and Vietnam War hero John McCain, whom Trump criticized for his arrest.

Jon Soltz, president of VoteVets, a progressive anti-Trump veterans organization, said he represents 700,000 veterans and their families.

Last week, VoteVets posted a statement on Twitter that read: “I wish there was more anger at Trump who lied about the worthy transfer of people who fell for political reasons, because as a veteran he really disgusts me. . “

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A Military Times poll based on 1,018 active duty soldiers surveyed in late July and early August found that nearly half of those surveyed, or 49.9 percent, had an unfavorable opinion of the president.

About 38 percent have favorable opinions.

The poll found that 41 percent said they would vote for Trump’s Democratic presidential rival Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, 37 percent said they planned to re-elect Trump.

According to the poll, Trump has struggled to regain support among active service members, for example by delivering a commencement address to cadets at West Point in June and talking about rebuilding American military power, a valued “colossal.” at $ 2 trillion (IDR 29.6 trillion).

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Trump’s West Point speech comes weeks after he ordered the area around the White House to protesters.

Tear gas and irritating chemicals were used to allow him and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, to cross Lafayette Square.

“What we have here is an attempt to use the military to gain partisan advantage, with the potential to put troops in the streets to confront protesters and present himself as president of law and order,” said Risa Brooks, professor of political science at Marquette University. tofu the guardian at the time.
