The shooting of 6 FPI members, Muhammadiyah represents Pangdam Jaya …



JAKARTA – During a press conference on the shooting of six members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) special forces, Pangdam Major General Jaya Dudung Abdurachman was seen assisting Metro Jaya Inspector General Pol Fadil’s chief of police Imran. Dudung even had time to show sharp weapons that the police used as evidence.

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Muhammadiyah considers Dudung’s attitude to be inappropriate. “I regret the involvement of Pangdam Jaya in the process of explaining the death of 6 FPI members by the police,” said the official PP Muhammadiyah statement that was delivered at a press conference on Tuesday (8/12/2020 ) in the afternoon.

(Read: Muhammadiyah asks the president to form an independent team to investigate the shooting of 6 members of the FPI)

According to Muhammadiyah, Dudung’s attitude has actually reinforced the accusation that TNIs were involved in handling criminal investigations. “Which means that TNI has left the primary functions and duties of TNI,” the statement continued.

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Apart from this, Muhammadiyah hopes that the public will obtain all the information as a manifestation of the right to disclosure of information about all the processes that the police carry out in handling this case and the team that has worked from Komnas HAM, as well as if the President forms an Independent Team.

(Read: FPI Pass Appreciation, Muhammadiyah: Police Must Respond To Pressure To Investigate)

Previously informed, Muhammadiyah asked President Jokowi to form an independent team to clearly reveal the issue of the police shooting of six members of the FPI Laskar. The independent team should be mandated to discover all of these incidents. Members are expected to be made up of elements of state institutions such as the National Human Rights Commission and the Victim and Witness Protection Agency, elements of society, elements of the profession, in this case the Indonesian Medical Association.

