The role of the wife in helping husbands rape their co-workers, picking up victims, buying condoms to help them undress Pages all


PADANG, – In addition to picking up the victim to go home to be raped by her husband, N also bought a condom and took off her clothes.

“Perpetrator N also bought a condom and took off the victim’s shirt with the initials S,” Bukittinggi Police Chief of Criminal Investigation Unit Chairul Amri Nasution said by phone on Wednesday (27/1 / 2021).

“So N said to S, you satisfy my husband,” she continued.

AF’s rape against S took place in front of N, who was AF’s wife.

Also read: Sitting on the case of a wife who helps a husband rape a coworker, revealed by a report from a lawyer

The perpetrator threatened the wife and the victim.

“His wife wanted to summon the victim, because they threatened her with divorce, because she was afraid, that’s why she wanted to call the victim,” he said.

“Meanwhile, the victim was threatened by the AF author and would kill his parents,” he said.

It was previously reported that a woman with the initials N in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra assisted her husband with the initials AF in raping S.

Also read: Wives help husbands to rape their co-workers, the rape is done in front of the wife

“This violation of S was carried out twice. The last time was on December 11, 2020,” said on Sunday (1/24/2021) the head of the Bukittinggi City Criminal Investigation Unit, Chairul Amri Nasution.

Furthermore, Chairul Amri said, the AF perpetrator and the victim were colleagues at a store in Bukittinggi.

“N picked up the victim at the store where he worked. Then he ordered the victim to attend to her husband. The victim was threatened by N,” she said.

The wife is afraid of divorce

Perpetrator N wanted to pick up the victim to go home because he was threatened by AF. If he doesn’t want to continue, N will get divorced.

“So if N doesn’t want to pick it up, he’s going to get divorced. That’s why N does it,” he said.

AF himself has often made fun of the victim while working in the workshop where he works.

“Even AF also harassed S in the store where they worked,” he explained.

AF and N were arrested on Saturday (1/23/2021) and the police are conducting a further investigation.
