The rank of civil servants, salary and benefit schemes will change, so what is it like? All pages

[ad_1] – The National Civil Service Agency (BKN) plans to reform the current rank and payroll scheme for civil servants (PNS).

The formulation of policies on salaries, benefits and facilities for public officials refers to the mandate of articles 79 and 80 of Law No. 5/2014 on ASN.

The law directs the income of civil servants in the future, which previously consisted of many components, will be simplified to consist only of components, namely salaries and benefits.

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“The new salary formula for civil servants will be determined based on workload, responsibilities and occupational hazards,” said the acting head of the Office of Public Relations, Law and Cooperation of BKN Paryono.

The implementation of the salary formula for civil servants will be carried out in stages, beginning with a change in the payroll system, which was originally based on rank, space class and seniority, giving rise to a payroll system based on position prices. .

Meanwhile, the formula for civil servant benefits includes performance allowances and costly allowances.

The formulation of the performance allocation is based on the performance achievement of each staff member, while the formulation of the costly allocation is based on the price index prevailing in each region.

“Each position will be evaluated. From the evaluation of this position the value of the position will be generated,” said Paryono.

In addition, the evaluation of this position is regulated in the Regulation of the Head of BKN Number 21 of 2011 on Guidelines for the Implementation of Evaluation of Public Official Positions.

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Performance evaluation and benefits

This performance achievement is regulated in Government Regulation Number 30 of 2019 on the Performance Evaluation of Public Officials.

In article 3 of the PP, the evaluation is made based on performance planning at the individual level and at the unit or organization level, taking into account the goals, achievements, results, benefits achieved and the behavior of the officials.

However, Paryono cannot confirm when this new scheme will start rolling out.

“I don’t know, now it is still in the coordination stage with various related ministries / agencies,” he said.

The ministries / institutions that Paryono referred to include the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan RB), the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) and the Ministry of the Interior (Kemendagri).

In addition, there is the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham), the Secretariat of the Ministry of State (Kemensesneg) and local governments.

Paryono said that all policies to determine the income of public officials are closely related to the financial situation of the state.

Therefore, extra careful efforts are needed and are backed by in-depth and comprehensive simulation and analysis results.

“In order to produce new policies regarding ranks, salaries, assignments and facilities for public officials so that later they do not have a negative impact, both on the welfare of public officials and on the financial situation of the state,” he explained.

Read also: The salary policy of PNS will be changed, BKN: in relation to the financial situation of the state
