The question mark behind the extinction of the Eternal Fire of Mrapen for the first time. Page all

[ad_1] The Eternal Flame of Mrapen in the Grobogan district was surprisingly completely extinguished.

It is not sure why the eternal flame can be put out.

However, observing the activity around the site in recent times, a hole in the ground has been made to find a spring.

“Previously, on September 12, there were drilling activities to search for springs near the location of this eternal fire,” said Kendeng Selatan Region Energy and Mineral Resources Section Chief Sinung Sugeng Arianto while inspecting the Mrapen Abadi Api, cited by Tribune of Central Java.

Read also: Ganjarkan Geologists to Investigate Causes of Mrapen Eternal Flame Extinction

Not yet the main cause

Mrapen's key spokesperson Ali Mudzakir (right), witnessed by Grobogan Regent Sri Sumarni (left) taking fire for the 2019 ASEAN School Games (ASG) in Manggarmas Village, Grobogan, Central Java, on Wednesday (17 / 7/2019).  The fire was then brought to Semarang for the 2019 ASG opening procession, which was attended by 10 Southeast Asian countries competing with nine sports that took place from July 17 to 25, 2019.AMONG PHOTOS / YUSUF NUGROHO Mrapen’s key spokesperson for Api Abadi, Ali Mudzakir (right), witnessed by Grobogan Regent Sri Sumarni (left) taking fire for the 2019 ASEAN School Games (ASG) in Manggarmas Village, Grobogan, Central Java, on Wednesday (7/17/2019). The fire was then brought to Semarang for the 2019 ASG opening procession, which was attended by 10 Southeast Asian countries competing with nine sports that took place from July 17 to 25, 2019.

The location for the spring drilling is 200 meters from Mrapen Eternal Flame.

The drilling took place on September 12, 2020, while the extinction of the Eternal Flame of Mrapen occurred on September 25, 2020.

Drilling activity caused water to gush up to 50 meters high.

At that moment there was also the smell of hydrocarbon gas and a roar.

“But you can’t say it’s the main cause, it’s still an early indication or assumption,” he explained.

Read Also: 2018 Central Java Porprov Torch Fire Taken From Mrapen Eternal Flame

The ritual of taking the fire Dharma Tri Suci Waisak 2563 BE / 2019 in the tourist area Mrapen Eternal Flame in Grobogan, Central Java, on Friday afternoon (5/17/2019). DWI PUTRANTO The ritual of taking the fire Dharma Tri Suci Waisak 2563 BE / 2019 in the tourist area Mrapen Eternal Flame in Grobogan, Central Java, on Friday afternoon (5/17/2019).

Never dimmed

In 1996, the Eternal Flame of Mrapen had dimmed but never completely extinguished like now.

“The fire was just completely extinguished this time. In the 1990s or, if I remember correctly, in 1996, the Eternal Flame of Mrapen had reduced its intensity of gas discharge, but did not extinguish it,” said Sinung.

At that time, a hole was made up to 20 meters to get the gas out again.

“After being pierced, it turned out that the gas came out, the intensity of the flames ignited again. In that year it did not go out, it just happened this time,” Sinung explained.

Meanwhile, the extinction of the Eternal Flame of Mrapen this time is also suspected to have occurred due to gas input problems.

“From the initial review, the fire went out because there was no gas supply. We received the report,” Sinung said.

Also read: From Mrapen, the opening fire of ASG 2019 arrives

Find a new gas source

Sinung believes that Mrapen’s Eternal Flame can come to life by searching for new sources of gas.

Grobogan Regent’s Acting (Acting) Official Haerudin said he would speed up technical studies so the Eternal Flame of Mrapen was back.

“I was there before to review the location. The most logical thing is to look for a new source of gas that will then be distributed to the Mrapen Abadi Api location. But it is very technical, it needs careful study and calculation,” Haerudin said.

Read also: The story of the eternal fire of Mrapen used for the Asian Games

Governor of Central Java, Ganjar FARASONALIA Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo

Ganjar sinks the geologist

The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, immediately dispatched a team of geologists to determine the cause of the extinction of the Eternal Flame of Mrapen.

“I asked the geologists to take action. But now we are checking, I ask for a report on progress,” Ganjar said on Friday (02/10/2020).

Ganjar said that there were several possible causes for the extinction of the eternal fire of Mrapen, including natural factors due to the fact that the gas source was gradually depleted.

Or another factor, namely the exploitation of nature around the Eternal Flame of Mrapen.

“Maybe there is interference from the left and right. It could be that someone next to you is doing something disturbing. For example, someone is digging here, then gas leaks into the dug hole. I ask the team to check and investigate, as well as conduct investigations, “he said. .

Also read: Reasons for the Asian Games fire lit from India and combined with the Mrapen fire

Torch fire source for national and international events

The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo (center) with the Mayor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi (right) and the assistant of the science and technology and sports nursery of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Wasinton (left) lit a cauldron fire in the torch relay series of the XI ASEAN School Games 2019 (ASG) in Semarang, Central Java, Wednesday (7/17/2019).  The fire taken from Mrapen Eternal Flame, Grobogan will be used in the opening procession of the ASG XI 2019 on Thursday (7/18/2019) tomorrow at Holy Terang Bangsa School, Semarang.BETWEEN PHOTOS / AJI STYAWAN The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo (center) with the Mayor of Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi (right) and the assistant of the science and technology and sports nursery of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Wasinton (left) lit a cauldron fire in the torch relay series of the XI ASEAN School Games 2019 (ASG) in Semarang, Central Java, Wednesday (7/17/2019). The fire taken from Mrapen Eternal Flame, Grobogan will be used in the opening procession of the ASG XI 2019 on Thursday (7/18/2019) tomorrow at Holy Terang Bangsa School, Semarang.

The Eternal Flame of Mrapen has often been the source of the torch for various national and even international events.

Among others, the international sports festival Ganefo on November 1, 1963, with 2,700 athletes from 51 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America, and the XVI National Sports Week (PON) on August 23, 1996.

Every year, the Eternal Flame of Mrapen is also used for the torch of the Vesak Day ceremony for Buddhists.

The Mrapen Eternal Fire location is also a tourist destination that is often visited by residents, but was closed during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Source: (Author: Semarang Contributor, Riska Farasonalia | Editor: Dony Aprian)

This article was published on with the title It is the first time in the history of the eternal flame that the Mrapen is extinguished, this is the suspected cause
