The police check Habib Rizieq’s healthy food in custody, here is the portrait



The police continued to monitor the health of the leader of the Front of Islamic Defenders (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab (HRS) while he was detained at the Polda Metro Jaya detention center. Every food that will be given to Habib Rizieq is first checked by the Polda Metro Jaya Medical and Health Sector (Bidokkes).

In the photo received detikcom, Habib Rizieq in a white shirt and cap can be seen in the detention cell. There was an officer of the police doctor (Dokpol) who was checking Habib Rizieq’s blood pressure.

You can also see that there are some food wrapped up behind Habib Rizieq. In addition, there was a change of clothes hanging on the wall of the cell.

“All food brought by the family or delivered by the police is done food safety before giving it to Rizieq, “said the head of Public Relations of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono, through his statement, on Thursday (12/24/2020).

Argo said the food inspection was also witnessed by the carrier. Argo passed food inspection to ensure that all incoming food is appropriate and meets standards.

“Meeting the standard or not, witnessed directly by the person wearing it during the inspection,” he said.

Previously, Habib Rizieq Shihab was officially detained at the Polda Metro Jaya Detention Center in central Jakarta on Sunday morning (12/13). Habib Rizieq was detained for the next 20 days.

“Then we arrest the suspect MRS (Muhammad Rizieq Shihab), we carry out the arrest by the investigator starting on December 12 for the next 20 days until December 31, 2020,” said the head of Public Relations of the Police Nacional, Inspector General Argo Yuwono at Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Jakarta.

Later, Argo revealed the reason why the investigators detained Habib Rizieq. One of them is because he is afraid of repeating his actions.

“There are two reasons for the arrest, namely objective and subjective. For the objective of the threat of more than 5 years, it is subjective why the first arrest was carried out so that the suspect did not escape, then the suspect did not lose tests and the third was not to repeat the repetition, “said Argo.

Watch the video ‘Habib Rizieq is determined by police as a suspect in the case of the Megamendung crowd’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]
