The perpetrator of the Colorado mass shooting that killed 10 people revealed, this is his name …


BOULDER, – Police reveal the identity of the perpetrator of the mass shooting at the Boulder, Colorado supermarket, in which 10 people died.

Police explained that the suspect was charged with 10 counts of first degree murder in the incident on Monday afternoon local time (3/22/2021).

Also read: Mass shooting in Colorado, USA, 10 dead, FBI and SWAT head to crime scene

Boulder Police Chief Maris Harold said the perpetrator was identified as Ahmad Alissa, 21.

Reported New York Post Tuesday (3/23/2021), lives in Arvada, about 20 miles south of Boulder.

Harold also explained that 10 mass shooting victims between the ages of 20 and 65 were also identified.

It was reported that the last body was removed from the scene on Tuesday at 1:30 a.m. local time.

Harold said that at that time the families of the victims who had been killed had been notified. While crying, he apologized for the incident.

“We will do everything in our power to ensure that the perpetrators are subjected to a fair trial,” he stressed.

Also read: Witness the mass shooting in the Colorado supermarket: he comes and starts shooting
