The mysterious stone that shook the people of Lampung finally revealed, Researcher: They’re lucky.


Friday, January 29, 2021-23: 11 WIB

Mysterious stone that shook Lampung residents finally revealed, researcher: they're in luck -

A rock suspected of being a meteor at Kampung Astomulyo, Dusun 5, Punggur District, Central Lampung, Bandarlampung, Friday (1/29/2021). Photo: ANTARA / HO-Head of the Punggur Sub-district / aa., BANDARLAMPUNG – The mystery of a stone that fell from the sky onto a resident’s home in Astomulyo Village Dusun 5, Punggur District, Central Lampung Regency, was finally revealed.

Several researchers in the field of Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at the Sumatra Institute of Technology (Itera) identified the falling rock as a meteor.

“We have seen the rock that fell into the neighbors’ houses and it is true that the stone is a meteor because there are metallic elements there,” said Itera Robiatul Muztaba, professor of the Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Studies Program (SAK), in Bandarlampung. , Friday (29/1).

He explained that there was a metallic element in the stone. This became known after researchers tested it with magnets.

“We have tested using magnets and actually meteors. To discover the elements and particles deeper in the rock, we have taken samples to bring them to the lab, which took about a week of testing,” he said.

According to him, in-depth tests were conducted to find out if there was any radioactive content in the rock.

“We will examine the radioactive content so there is no abuse, one of which is consumed by the community, and Astomulyo Village is very lucky because it experienced the meteor fall phenomenon,” he said.

The same was said by a professor of geological engineering who is a member of the Itera researcher, Danni Gathot Harbowo.



