The security apparatus prepared to anticipate the massive convoy of members of the Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate (PSHT) that was scheduled to head to Manahan Square, Solo.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020 | 19:57 WIB
2 minute read
Security forces prepare in front of Mapolresta Solo, Tuesday (9/22/2020). (Solopos / Nicolous Irawan)
Solopos.com, ONLY – Security forces began to prepare in Mapolresta and Plaza Manahan Alone in anticipation of the mass convoy, Tuesday (9/22/2020). This followed an invitation via chain message to a large-scale convoy tonight.
The crowd is expected to gather at Manahan Solo Square. The convoy had to question the continuation of the processing of cases of aggression by members of the PSHT in Solo and Sukoharjo, last Tuesday (9/15/2020).
Information obtained Solopos.comUntil 19:30 WIB there was no visible mass movement of the convoy in the Manahan Square area. However, security forces such as Brimob are well prepared at the Solo police headquarters.
Others were seen standing guard and lining up in Manahan Square. The plan in the area will also be a masked justice operation.
Solopos.com He also obtained information that the entrance to the Solo City border was heavily guarded by the police. Tickets include Kleco and Jurug.
As previously reported, the news circulated on social media that there would be a massive convoy of large-scale vehicles heading to Manahan Square on Tuesday (9/22/2020) evening.
The large mass convoy was suspected of questioning the progress of the investigation into the case of mistreatment by strangers that resulted in three injuries in Solo.
Solo Police Chief Kombes Pol Ade Safri Simanjuntak said he urged the masses not to crowd. The crowd was asked to immediately avoid if there would be a crowd in Manahan Square like last week.
“Entrust this case to the police. Everyone can refrain from preventing their citizens from mobilizing the masses,” Solo’s police chief told reporters on Tuesday.