The government gives Rs 500,000 per family, no credit or cigarettes are allowed


The Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P Batubara, gave a speech on the distribution of additional BST in the convention building of the Ministry of Social Affairs in Kalibata (Source: Renjana Pictures)

JAKARTA, KOMPAS TV – The government, through the Ministry of Social Affairs, will once again distribute social assistance in the form of social assistance in cash (BST) worth IDR 500,000 per family.

The social minister, Juliari P Batubara, said that this social assistance was provided by the government to help people affected by the corona virus or Covid-19 pandemic.

However, Juliari said, not all families in Indonesia will receive assistance from the government.

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To receive this assistance, there are conditions, namely, that the beneficiary of the aid is a beneficiary family or KPM enrolled in the Non-Effective Food Assistance (BPNT) program of the Family Hope Program (PKH).

“We provide cash assistance of Rp. 500,000,” Juliari said at the launch of the non-PKH and non-PKH cash card welfare program on Monday (8/31/2020).

He said the funds were transferred to the KKS (prosperous family card) card and could be withdrawn in cash at Himbara bank ATMs and were not subject to administrative fees.
