The government finally responds to the rejection of the arrival of Chinese foreign workers


The government has postponed the issuance of permits for the arrival of 500 Chinese foreign workers to the southeast of Sulawesi.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, for Sapto Andika Candra, Ali Mansur, Nawir Arsyad Akbar, Antara

Following the rapid wave of protests over the expected arrival of hundreds of foreign workers (TKAs) from China to Indonesia, the government finally decided to postpone the issuance of their arrival permit. Special presidential staff for legal affairs, Purwono said early, the delay lasted until the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia subsided.

“The government is determined to break the Covid-19 distribution chain, among others, limiting the flow of arrivals of people from abroad. This policy is applied to normal situations and it is declared safe,” Dini said in a statement. of press, Monday (11/5) at night.

Dini said that so far no Chinese foreign worker has been taken to the southeast of Sulawesi. The Ministry of Human Resources, he said, was only at the approval stage of requests for a Plan for the Use of Foreign Workers submitted by two companies. However, it is worth remembering that current government policy takes the form of permit delays.

Even if they keep coming back later, Dini said, all TKAs still need to follow a series of tests and health protocols to make sure they’re free of Covid-19. The Palace also confirmed that they brought in 500 foreign workers from China because they had special experience installing equipment. smelter or refining of extracted metals.

The use of outside workers, Dini said, was done by the company because local workers did not yet have experience installing the foundries. The plan is that smelters that are ready to operate will be able to absorb 3,000 local workers.

Dini also added that the construction of a smelter and a processing and refining plant is mandated by Law No. 4 of 2009 on Minerals and Coal Mining. Companies must process raw materials before selling them to the market in order to increase the added value of mining products.

The company, he said, aims to employ only 500 Chinese TKAs for a maximum period of six months. Upon completion of the foundry installation, all TKAs will return to their home country.

The government also guarantees the transfer of experience from Chinese foreign workers to local workers. Local workers are expected to be able to manage smelting operations independently.

“Currently, the Ministry of Human Resources continues to coordinate with the Governor and the Legislative Council of Southeast Sulawesi to find the best solution so that, on the one hand, the Covid-19 prevention effort is maintained, and on the other hand , a project that can absorb three thousand local workers can also be carried out because it involves the livelihood of many people, “Early explained.

The number of foreign workers from China, totaling 500 people, is known to come to Indonesia to work at the Morosi nickel refining company PT VDNI (Virtue Dragon Nickel Industry) Morosi, Konawe Regency. The company was found to have received permission from the central government on April 22.

Governor of Southeast Sulawesi Province (Southeast Sulawesi) Ali Mazi previously said his party did not refuse, but instead requested to postpone the planned arrival of 500 foreign workers who would work at the PT VDNI mining company in Morosi, Konawe Regency. .

“It is not denied, but it is delayed. It is denied differently because of delay. Because there are central government regulations,” Ali Mazi said after inaugurating Kendari’s deputy mayor, Siska Karina Imran, in the Southeast Sulawesi governor’s office on Wednesday.

Ali Mazi revealed that the delay in the arrival of hundreds of foreign workers to the southeast Sulawesi region was due to thinking of the atmosphere of mysticism in the area that is fighting the outbreak of the coronavirus (Covid-19).

Khan the name of the delay is that the regulatory mechanism already exists, but it still cannot, our atmosphere of mysticism today cannot accept such a thing, so we postpone it, “he said.

“The atmosphere of mysticism in the people of southeast Sulawesi, I must protect my community,” said the governor.

Unlike the Governor, all factions in the Southeast Sulawesi House of Regional Representatives (DPRD) strongly rejected the expected arrival of 500 foreign workers from Chinake Sultra who would work at the PT VDNI mining company in Morosi, Konawe Regency. The rejection was broadcast at the plenary meeting in the South East Sulawesi Regional Parliament Plenary Building on Wednesday (4/29).

A wave of rejection also came from DPR RI circles. Democratic Party politician Bambang Purwanto questioned the base of hundreds of China’s foreign workers who could easily enter Indonesia, while many local workers experienced layoffs and layoffs.

In fact, Bambang said, based on the provisions contained in articles 42 to 46 of Law No. 13/2003 on labor mentioned above, it is very clear that foreign workers must meet quite strict requirements. Starting with the permission and use of foreign workers by ministers or designated officials, as well as occupying certain positions in the organizational structure of the company interested in assisting migrant workers in each foreign worker.

Observing the articles of the law in question, it is very clear that the authority or key for the entry of foreign workers is in the hands of the Minister of Human Resources in accordance with the mandate of the law as the basis to carry out tasks in the employment area, “Bambang said in its statement on Tuesday (5/5).

While what the Government hopes, according to Bambang, in attracting investors to the Indonesian territory is to be able to open job opportunities that are quite a solution for the large number of unemployed in Indonesia. It is just that, when the investors who come also bring labor from their home countries.

“This is as expected in Morowali and Ketapang, thus closing employment opportunities for our workforce,” he explained.

Member of Committee VI of the House of Representatives, Amin Ak, also reminded the government of the investment objectives in accordance with the five precepts of Pancasila and Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, namely, to make social justice a reality and the well-being of all people.

“We agree to increase foreign investment and, in fact, we must open up. But the investment objectives must remain in accordance with the noble ideals of the parties. the founding fathers this country is contained in the fifth precepts of Pancasila and article 33 of the 1945 Constitution, “Amin said in his statement to, Monday (4/5)

Amin understands, the government’s relentless efforts to raise the ranking of commercial facility or the ease of doing business or EoDB. However, this should not forget the ultimate goal of improving people’s well-being. Therefore, he regretted the issuance of regulations that loosen foreign investment and the practice in the field so far seems to sacrifice the interests of the people and national sovereignty.

“It is natural and the increase in investment should be directly proportional to the absorption of domestic workers,” said the politician from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS).

Therefore, Amin also reminded the Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Bahlil Lahadalia, that the investment priority was investment in the manufacturing sector capable of absorbing local labor. Amin was surprised by Bahlil’s statement that the increase in investment realization was not in line with the increase in employment. Bahlil’s reasoned factor skill and low mastery of Indonesian human resource technology.

“I find this reason only wanted. Is it correct, the quality of our human resources is so low? Try to give them high wages as Chinese foreign workers, I am sure that our human resources are much better and they have the dedication to build the country”, he explained.

Amin further appreciated the steps of Kendari Mayor Sulkarnain Kadir, who closed his area to protect the psychology of job seekers in Kendari and cover the possible spread of the TKA Covid-19 virus from China.

“They were told to stay home where they were not even allowed to go home, but instead the TKA was allowed to enter amid joint efforts to combat the Corona outbreak. This is socially and economically dangerous,” he emphasized. .

In addition, Amin asked the government to cancel the arrival of foreign workers from China. Smelter construction projects are best postponed during the Covid-19 pandemic. Of course, as the government carries out its main task of preparing reliable human resources who master the necessary technology.

House IX Committee Member Nabil Haroen urges the government to review the foreign worker arrival policy amid the Covid-19 virus pandemic. According to him, the government now needs to prioritize domestic workers. For this reason, there must be a renegotiation related to contracts and work agreements with foreign parties, which had previously been collaborated.

“There are millions of Indonesians who have lost their jobs or lacked financial access. Don’t let foreigners enjoy existing jobs,” said Nabil.

In addition, the government through the Ministry of Human Resources and related institutions must thoroughly investigate this case. To be seen there is an element of intention or there is a mechanism that violates the rules.

“In order for foreigners from China to enter, when the government implements an airport and border closure policy for the prevention of Covid-19. If there is an accident, it must be legally processed,” Nabil said.
