The forms that change the national symbol and print their own money are called Sunda Empire.


GARUT, – The movement of the Kandang Wesi Tunggul Rahayu Association in Garut, which changed the national emblem of the eagle and also printed banknotes that could be used as a transaction tool for its members, is considered similar to the movement of the Sunda Empire organization that was busy being the topic of conversation for many people.

“At first glance, the platform is almost the same as Sunda Empire, promising members something, including members who have debts that the president must pay,” Garut Regency Kesbangpolinmas bureau chief Wahyudidjaya explained to reporters. after a meeting with law enforcement officials in his office on Tuesday (09/08/2020).

According to Wahyu, the existence of this association was previously detected in Majalengka Regency. However, the center of the movement of this association is in Garut.

Also read: An Ormas in Garut changes the national symbol and prints its own money

In Majalengka, the association’s activities have been closed by the Majalengka Regency Government and there are no further activities.

“We are still taking an inventory of his supporters, from the documents we obtained, his supporters are in four districts in Garut, then in Bandung Regency, Tasikmalaya Regency and Tasikmalaya City and the largest distribution is in Majalengka,” he said.

The existence of this association itself, according to Wahyu, appeared in the Cisewu district, Garut Regency.

However, recently, according to Wahyu, the association’s activities were halted after protests from residents.

Later, they moved to the Caringin district and returned to their activities.

Wahyu sees, in addition to changing the symbol of the state, another form of violation of this association is to insult the academic world because its president claims several titles, from professor, doctorate, engineer and several other titles behind his name.

“The information we receive from the residents of South Garut, the principal of the school is alone in the madrasah aliyah or tsanawiyah,” he said.

Also read: Ormas change the national emblem, the head of the Garuda bird attached to a crown, money draws the picture of the chair

In the document received by the Garut Regency Office of National Unity and Community Protection, the person referred to as supervisor, controller, advisor and head of the Wesi Tunggul Rahayu Kandang Association had the name of Mr. Prof. Dr. Go H Cakraningrat SH (Wijaya Nata Kusuma Nagara).
