Terawan calls for the removal of Achmad Yurianto as director general of the Ministry of Health for Organizational Improvement


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Health Minister (Menkes) Terawan Agus Putranto responded to the removal of Achmad Yurianto as general director of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) in the Ministry of Health.

On Friday (10/23/2020) Terawan officially appointed Yurianto as an expert staff of the Ministry of Health for Health Technology and Globalization.

According to Terawan, job rotation is common at the organizational level.

“This is done solely as an effort to reform and consolidate the organization in order to improve performance in order to achieve maximum service,” Terawan was quoted as saying in a Health Ministry news release on Friday.

Also read: Achmad Yurianto Cesa from the position of Director General of the Ministry of Health P2P

“This appointment should be interpreted as an organizational interest, not only as the placement of office figures at the departmental level and certain interests,” he continued.

Terawan said that organizational improvements and strengthening were carried out in order to improve performance and maximum implementation of duties and services.

For the new task developed by Achmad Yurianto, the Minister of Health hopes that the entrusted trust will be carried out in the best possible way with a strong sense of responsibility and commitment.

The Minister of Health also requested that all the good performance that had been made during his tenure as General Director of P2P be continued to improve the organizational performance of the Ministry of Health.

Especially in the current pandemic, the Minister of Health requested that this situation be an impulse for Achmad Yurianto through his new position to continue innovating in order to provide easy access to the public to health services, especially digital ones.

Also read: Achmad Yurianto officially leaves the position of Covid-19 government spokesperson

“I express my utmost appreciation and gratitude for your dedication thus far in the successful performance of your duties as CEO of P2P and I hope that the experience thus far can be helpful in making assignments in a new location,” added Terawan.

In a news archive report on the official website of the Ministry of Health, Terawan previously appointed Achmad Yurianto as Director General of P2P of the Ministry of Health on March 9, 2020.

Before becoming CEO, Yurianto first served as Secretary to the P2P CEO of the Ministry of Health.

The former Government Spokesperson for Covid-19 Management has also served as Head of the Health Crisis Center of the Ministry of Health under the former Minister of Health, Nila Moeloek.
