Tense with Greece, Turkey develops hypersonic missiles and …



ANKARA – In the midst of tension with Greece related to the dispute over the exploration of energy sources in the Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey develop hypersonic missile technology and laser weapons.

President Recep Tayyip conveyed this weapons development Erdogan while announcing the start of a domestically made liquid fuel rocket motor test for a space mission project.

“I would like to announce the start of the first space tests of a liquid-fuel rocket engine technology developed in the country,” Erdogan said at the opening ceremony of the production facility and research center of the main defense company. from Turkey, Roketsan, in Ankara on Sunday. (Read: Erdogan accuses Greece of sowing chaos in the eastern Mediterranean)

“We will also continue our efforts to develop a hybrid fuel rocket engine,” he said, quoted by Anatolia, Monday (8/31/2020).

He said Roketsan had developed high-capacity hydrogen fuel cell technology, a clean energy source with applications for the aerospace sector, as well as for aviation and transportation. “The GPS receivers required for precision-guided munitions and weapons systems have also been produced in the country for the first time,” the president said.

“At this center, we are working on future technologies, such as miniature weapons, hypersonic systems and laser and directed energy weapons using electromagnetic technology,” he explained.

President Erdogan stressed that Turkey does not tolerate a lack of coordination in the defense industry. “In particular, we have never received products from abroad that we can manufacture in the country. We have revived our almost paralyzed defense industry,” he said. (Read: Tense, Turkey intercepts 6 Greek F-16 fighter jets in the eastern Mediterranean)

“Inspired by the noble legacy of our ancestors, we reduced the external dependence of our defense industry from 70% to 30%,” he added.

He noted that Turkey is one of the leading countries in the production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), armed UAVs, and offensive UAVs. “Our Bayraktar TB2 armed UAVs can easily hit targets with a 230-millimeter laser-guided missile system. This new development will mainly strengthen our strength on the front line, “Erdogan said.
