TA Artist Arrested for Prostitution, Tania Ayu Crowded Discussed



The West Java Regional Police arrested a model and artist with the initials TA who was suspected of being involved in a prostitution case. He was seized by staff from the West Java Regional Police Special Directorate of Criminal Investigation after being arrested at a hotel in the Bandung area on Thursday (12/17/2020).

“Yes, so we secured a woman with the initials TA,” said Subdit V Cyber ​​Ditreskrimsus head Polda Jabar Kompol Reonald Simanjuntak at the West Java Regional Police Headquarters, DetikNews reported.

TA was taken with his muncikarinya to the building of the Special Directorate of Criminal Investigation of the West Java Police. You plan to have an exam first.

According to Reonald, TA works as a model artist. “Meanwhile, only artists, celebrities and models,” he said.

Currently, the TA itself is still under investigation by the West Java Police. The police have been unable to provide further explanations on this matter.

Regarding the arrest of a TA artist, Tania Ayu Siregar was also busy arguing. The artist who was born on January 31, 1994 was implicated and suspected of being an artist with the initials TA who had just been arrested by the police in Bandung.

However, there is no certainty from the police or Tania Ayu about the veracity of the news.

When contacted by detikcom, Tania Ayu’s manager George admitted that he was unaware of the news. George even said that she and Tania Ayu already have another agenda for the next day.

“I don’t know the news yet, yesterday I had a meeting with him actually, but no one said they wanted to go to Bandung,” he said, contacted by phone on Thursday (12/17/2020).

He also asked permission to contact Tania Ayu first to confirm the news.

“Let me check it first. I’ll show it to my assistant first. I have an event with him tomorrow, I’ll try to check first,” he said.

Watch video “Dragged into the case of prostitution of artists, Mareta Angel spoke
[Gambas:Video 20detik](srs / ass)
