Susi Luhut’s answer to the Lobster Seed Export Regulation is not wrong


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

Former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Susi Pudjiastuti in response to the statement of the Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs and Investments, as well as the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries on a provisional basis Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan that lobster seed export regulations do not violate the rules.

“Luhut stated that the Edhy Prabowo era lobster problem was not bad,” Susi tweeted on Friday evening (11/27) via her Twitter account, @susipudjiastuti, citing media reports. .

He then taunted Susi separately by leaving a sad and angry emoji, until he was shocked by responding to Luhut’s words.

Cheap even, but Susi recently appeared to be active on her social media accounts to share the latest developments in the lobster seed or potato chip export license bribery case that caught Edhy Prabowo and some of the KKP ranks.

Since leaving the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Susi has voiced her voice calling for her rejection if the fingerlings were exported in the Edhy Prabowo era.

During her tenure, Susi strictly prohibited this practice. This is established by Regulation Number 56 of 2016 of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries regarding lobster capture, which prohibits foreign trade in lobster and lobster seeds measuring less than 200 grams.

Meanwhile, in the Edhy era, the rules to prohibit the export of fingerlings were revoked through Regulation Number 12 / Permen-KP / 2020 of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries regarding the Management of Lobster (Panulirus spp), Crab (Scylla spp) and Crab (Portunus spp) in the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

However, there are several conditions for those who wish to export lobster seeds. This is specifically detailed in Article 5, paragraph 1.

Article 5 Paragraph 1 establishes that the release of lobster seeds (puerulus) under the harmonized system code 0306.31.10 from Indonesian territory can only be carried out with a series of provisions.

Among other things, the quota and location for catching lobster seeds must be in accordance with the results of a study by the National Commission for the Study of Fisheries Resources (Komnas KAJISKAN) and exporters must carry out cultivation activities of domestic lobster involving the community.

Meanwhile, Luhut stated that there was nothing wrong with the lobster seed export rules issued by Edhy Prabowo.

The fault, according to Luhut, is that exports are carried out in a monopolistic way. Luhut did not deny that in practice the export of lobster seeds was carried out by a single company.

He said this practice should not occur in a government program.

“Meanwhile, what’s wrong is a monopoly like transportation that shouldn’t happen,” Luhut said after attending an evaluation meeting at the KKP office on Friday (11/28).

On that occasion, Luhut also asked the Commission for the Eradication of Corruption not to overly expose the problem of corruption in the Ministry, which is still under its coordination.

“I ask the KPK to also check according to the good regulations. Don’t overdo it. Not all are bad, some are good,” Luhut said.

(yes / dea)

[Gambas:Video CNN]
