Stupid about the potential of a massive 20 meter earthquake and tsunami on the island of Java, these are the directions and explanation of the BMKG


TRI BUN-MEDAN.COM – The research results of researchers from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) have been published in journals Nature science report last week revealed the possibility of a 20-meter tsunami in the south of the island of Java.

A member of the research team, Endra Gunawan, said that this research used multiple data analyzes from various researchers.

Until now, the history of major earthquakes in the Java Island region is unknown or undocumented.

“After the 2004 Aceh earthquake, several researchers took samples, or what is known as paleoseismology, to find out the history of large earthquakes in the past in the area,” Endra told on Friday (25 / 9/2020).

The results of this study revealed that the great Aceh earthquake in 2004 had occurred 600 years ago.

Meanwhile, in Java, the documentation on the history of the great earthquakes is undocumented and unknown.

The research, which began in 5 years, proposes the modeling of potential seismic disasters in subduction zones throughout southern Java based on multi-hazard analysis and multiple data for risk reduction or disaster mitigation.

Regarding the potential for a large tsunami and earthquake in southern Java, Endra explained that the research results come from the analysis of GPS data and recorded earthquake data.

“The records of major earthquakes on the island of Java are not documented, therefore we use GPS to detect possible earthquakes that may occur,” Endra said.

Based on GPS data, it shows a quiet earthquake zone. That is, it could be that the area is only moving slowly, so that the earthquake does not occur, or vice versa closing, the area is locked so that it cannot be moved.
