Students insured for participating in the demonstration threaten that it is difficult to work


TANGERANG, – Kapolres Metro Tangerang Kota Kombes Pol Sugeng Hariyanto said that students who participated in the demonstration would be registered in police records.

This will make it difficult for students participating in demonstrations to find jobs in the future.

“Those who have been insured will beRecord at Intel and this is a separate note when they want to look for work, “he said in a voice statement on Tuesday (10/13/2020).

For that, Sugeng said, parents should pay attention to their children who are still students not to participate in the demonstration against the Employment Creation Law.

Also read: Disdik Kota Tangerang will issue a ban on high school students from participating in the demo

“Please pay attention to parents to pay attention to this. This will make it difficult for younger siblings when they want to graduate,” he said.

Sugeng said that he had coordinated with the education offices of Banten province and Tangerang city to prohibit students from participating in demonstrations.

“I conveyed to them that we have coordinated with the National Office of Education in online learning to convey to each parent that they give a call not to participate,” he said.

The same goes for parents, Sugeng said, to jointly care for their children so that they do not participate in demonstrations and commit anarchist acts.

As is known today, there was another demonstration against the Job Creation Law in and around Jakarta.

Polda Metro’s Head of Public Relations Jaya Kombes Pol Yusri Yunus said that at least 12,000 people had been prepared for mass security.

“The 12,000 security forces are made up of the National Police and TNI and the Provincial Government,” he said.
