Stories of Corona medical officers scolded for being called crazy


One of the difficult patients is OTG and he did not realize that he was ill.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA – Several doctors in the city of Surabaya, East Java, claimed that they were often scolded and verbally mistreated when conducting epidemiological investigations or tracking people on monitoring (ODP) and asymptomatic Covid-19 (OTG) . The story circulated in the WA group following Corona.

“In puskesmas straight There are several teams deployed. The team has a group WhatsApp and the story in the group is almost the same, yes, there are those who get angry and some are reprimanded, “said Fiqqi Fierly, a doctor at the Krembangan Selatan Health Center in Surabaya, on Sunday (3/5).

Fiqqi acknowledged that at first yes tracking that, many times it was said that he was a lunatic, without work, and several tirades that were very uncomfortable at heart. However, because it was a work assignment and to help the citizens of Surabaya, he continued to do so despite the fact that it was full of struggle.

“The most difficult thing was when there was an OTG and he did not realize that he was sick, so he refused to be isolated and treated. They always said that he was healthy, why It should be treated No, like this one that really needs a fight. “It is incredible,” he said.

Fiqqi also explained that Covid-19 and those affected by the virus, including its medical team, seemed like a disgrace in the midst of society. For this reason, he hopes that citizens will realize that this virus is not a disgrace like HIV / AIDS.

“This is an epidemic that we must face together, which is why I am always sad when I see that there are still many who do not wear masks and do not keep their distance,” he said.

In fact, he continued, he desperately fought to help this Covid-19 patient. In fact, he didn’t even think of himself and his family to help the brothers affected by COVID-19. “So let’s face it together,” he said.

The director of the City of Surabaya Health Agency, Febria Rachmanita, told many stories from the surveillance team or officers tracking in the field, starting with being verbally rejected, scolded, expelled, and abused. These PAOs also often say they are healthy, despite the fact that their bodies have been infected with a virus, and when they visit them they become angry.

“A lot of stories are more or less. So the medical officer must be patient, because this ODP many don’t realize they are sick,” he said.

Therefore, he really hopes that the community will break the Covid-19 distribution chain together. One of them is to create awareness. If medical personnel say you are ill, you should immediately isolate yourself and follow the protocol that has been determined.

Source: Antara
