Stafsus Erick Thohir Find Expert Staff of BUMN Directors Earning IDR 100 Million Monthly Salary


JAKARTA, – BUMN Minister’s special staff Arya Sinulingga said her party found an expert team of directors of state-owned companies with salaries of Rs 100 million a month.

On that basis, the minister of BUMN, Erick Thohir, issued a Circular on the appointment of expert personnel by the directors of BUMN number SE-9 / MBU / 08/2020.

“We discovered that several BUMN became expert personnel or advisors or whatever their names were made in each BUMN. Not transparent. Some have up to 11-12 people, some are paid Rp.100 million or more. So We found a variety of things, “Arya said on Monday (7/9/2020).

Also read: Erick Thohir allows directors of public companies to have 5 expert employees

Arya added that there are also several state-owned companies whose directors have a large number of expert staff or consultants. On that basis, currently the number of expert staff is limited to just five people.

“So this is what happened in several BUMN. For example in PLN, there were dozens of them (expert staff), there was also Pertamina. In other places, there have been in Inalum. So we are fixing now, making the limits, just those 5 are allowed on the board of directors, “Arya said.

Arya hopes that the new regulation issued by Erick Thohir can make the appointment of expert personnel more transparent and accountable.

“So if someone says that there are thousands of positions (with this Circular), we actually order it, we make it transparent and legal, not secretly, clearly and cannot be duplicated,” he said.

Also read: Erick Thohir limits BUMN expert staff salaries to a maximum of IDR 50 million per month

Previously, the Minister of Public Companies (BUMN) Erick Thohir issued a circular on the appointment of expert personnel by the directors of BUMN.

The circular numbered SE-9 / MBU / 08/2020 and signed by Erick Thohir.

In this circular, the directors of BUMN may employ a maximum of five experts. This means that, apart from the board of directors, it is forbidden to have expert staff.

Then, the expert staff that has been appointed is in charge of providing analysis and recommendations on strategic issues in the company environment based on the assignments entrusted to them by the board.

Then, the income received by the expert staff is in the form of fees determined by the board of directors with due regard to the capacity of the company and is limited to a maximum of Rs 50 million per month and they are not allowed to receive other income.

“The mandate of the expert staff is a maximum of one year and can be extended once for a year without prejudice to the directors’ right to dismiss at any time,” said the circular cited by on Monday (7/9 / 2020).

Additionally, these expert personnel are also prohibited from holding concurrent positions at BUMN or other BUMN subsidiaries.

“SOE directors must submit a written proposal for the appointment of expert personnel to the Ministry of BUMN, cq Deputy Director of Human Resources, Technology and Information, in order to obtain approval,” he wrote.
