Sri Mulyani Blakblakan explains the issue of ‘smuggling groups’ in the Copyright Act


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati explained about the inclusion of the tax group in the Job Creation Law which was passed by DPR on October 5. The former tax group was not included in the list of the Job Creation Act.

“So far, there are two general laws, namely, job creation and taxes. In their development, DPR and the government have communicated part of the Tax Omnibus Law on Job Creation,” Sri Mulyani said at a press conference. virtual, on Wednesday, October 7, 2020.

Sri Mulyani said that some of the articles of the Tax Omnibus Law had previously been included in the Government Regulation instead of Law Number 1 of 2020. Therefore, the articles that have not been covered by the Law are included in the Omnibus Law on Job Creation.

However, Sri Mulyani confirmed that the tax clauses described in the Omnibus Law of the Employment Creation Law were included in the investment ecosystem group. Therefore, he said, the assumption that the tax articles had been deliberately “smuggled” into the Cipta Kerja Omnibus Law is a wrong opinion.

“If someone presents this matter as an article entry, it is not true. The government and DPR are discussing it together, between commissions and the Body of Legislation,” he said.

At a meeting of the DPR working committee on September 22, several legislators were shocked because there were proposals that included articles on changes to various tax laws in the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja. In fact, this change was originally going to be included in the Tax Omnibus Law.
