Solution to load a pre-worker ID card failed? Although the format of the photo meets the requirements. Listen to the explanation


LEFT CIRCLE – Uploading or uploading a photo of the ID card in pre-employment batch 9 is one of the pre-employment card registration stages that potential applicants must go through.

Must be obeyed to be verified, to upload, photo ID cards must be clear and file size must be considered. Photos must be no more than 1 Mb in size.

However, what if the size of the photo is appropriate but it still won’t upload and you are still asked to reload the photo ID many times?

Confused the solution? Even if the photo format meets the criteria, see the explanation below.

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1. Upload a midnight KTP photo

Not registering for the previous batch 9 work or not uploading the ID card photos is one of the causes is that the server is down or busy, because too many people access the website

The solution to overcome this is that you can upload or upload an identity card registration photo for the pre-employment cards in lot 9 at midnight, because those who access at these times are quite calm.
