So, Minister Jokowi, Sandiaga Uno, is thinking of making the OCE OCE page a reality.


JAKARTA, – The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf), Sandiaga Uno, said that she would discuss with her staff from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy about the possibility of further development of the OK OCE program that she had previously started.

“We will meet colleagues here,” said Sandiaga Uno. Between, Friday (12/25/2020).

He said that he had just received a report from the association of the OK OCE movement in the field that most of its assisted members were involved in the tourism sector and the creative economy.

This fact is huge potential that can be worked on as an effort to reactivate the tourism sector and the creative economy that was significantly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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However, Sandiaga Uno admitted that he did not want to be careless and rushed, but discussed it further with his internal ranks at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

“We have just received reports from friends of the OK OCE movement association that in their data they have almost 70 percent of them involved in the tourism sector and the creative economy, so, but we do not want to be in a hurry, we will discuss it with the ranks “, said .

Sandiaga Uno realized that the Covid-19 pandemic was a great challenge for the tourism sector and the creative economy, so it needed concrete efforts to develop it.

“However, we must be optimistic that the tourism sector and creative economy will surely recover and recover soon as this pandemic is being overcome,” Sandiaga Uno said.

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This is because, according to the former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, the tourism and creative economy sectors are the strategic sectors that bring in foreign exchange and generate the largest and fastest job creation. “It is very important in our efforts to recover our economy,” said Sandiaga Uno.

Heavy task

Sandiaga Uno considered its new assignment to develop Indonesia’s tourism sector and creative economy amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sandiaga Uno said that the development of the tourism sector and creative economy (Ekraf) would largely depend on restoring public health from the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The duties and mandates transmitted by the president and vice president are very heavy due to the awakening of the Indonesian nation to recover from Covid-19,” Sandiaga Uno said.

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“And continuing with the development agenda, especially in the tourism and economy sectors, will largely depend on restoring health on the Covid-19 side, with our efforts to implement strict and disciplined health protocols,” said Sandiaga Uno again. .

He explained that another task of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy is to ensure the sustainability and resilience of the tourism sector and creative economy companies that are currently affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The impact of the pandemic has led to many layoffs (PHK) in the tourism sector and the creative economy.

“The economic and tourism sectors will be the locomotive of the post-Covid-19 pandemic so that we can continue the development agenda in this sector to continue to open up the widest possible employment opportunities to bring prosperity to the Indonesian people,” he said.

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The Saratoga owner said that the tourism and ecraf development strategy he would develop was an innovation and adaptation strategy.

“Innovation strategy using technology, using an approach big data“The current approach is to map both potential and empowerment, and ensure that tourism and ecraf sector players can survive,” Sandiaga Uno explained.

“But not only survive, but also to flourish (growing up). The second is adaptation, because now we are facing a pandemic, prioritizing health and safety in each tourist destination and in each ecraf line ”, he added.

He said he would implement an innovation strategy using technology big data work and reactivate the tourism sector and the creative economy affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The strategy that could be adopted is an innovation strategy that uses technology, using an approach big data, the current focus is mapping both in terms of potential and strength, ”said Sandiaga Uno.

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