Sir, there are prisoners who are flaccid “

[ad_1] The brother-in-law of the singer and PDIP politician, Edo Kondologit with the initials GKR (21) died in the arrest of the Sorong City Police Headquarters.

According to police statements, GKR was tortured by another detainee with the initials C. After ill-treating him, C called a picket officer because GKR was weak.

This incident made Edo Kondologit go crazy and demand justice. The family also raided the Sorong Police Headquarters on Monday (8/31/2020).

Also read: Brother-in-law murdered in detention, Edo Kondologit and the Geruduk family from the police headquarters demand justice

Cases of robbery, murder and rape were shot by the police

Handcuffs PRIMUS Handcuffs illustration

Sorong City Police Chief AKBP Ary Nyoto Setiawan explained that GKR, who was Edo’s brother-in-law, was indeed arrested and detained.

He was arrested for the alleged robbery, murder and rape of a 70-year-old grandmother on Doom Island, Sorong, on Thursday (8/27/2020).

GKR is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol while attempting to steal the victim’s cell phone and television. At that moment, the victim caught GKR.

The two were involved pushing each other until the victim fell and allegedly choked on a rope. In that incident, the victim died.

“Then the suspect raped the victim once,” Ary said in her written statement.

GKR tried to escape when the police were looking for evidence. When they took him to Doom Halte Harbor, GKR again tried to escape and tried to take firearms from the police.

“The team took measured and decisive action against the suspect and then the suspect was taken to the Sele Be Solu Hospital for treatment,” he said.

After returning from the hospital, GKR was detained at Sorong Police Headquarters.

He was later questioned by the police. At the time, GKR did not admit to his actions and was returned to detention.

Also read: Brother-in-law was shot and then killed and tortured while in detention, Edo Kondologit: Do you want to wash your hands?
