Silent As a result of the closure, hundreds of sheep dominate the city streets in Turkey


PEOPLE OF PEOPLE – Currently, several countries celebrate the quarantine or regional blockade and it seems that several animals took the opportunity to take control of the city streets.

In Turkey, which is now implementing a blockade, hundreds of sheep were reportedly caught by the camera that controlled one of the streets of the city of Samsun, Turkey, on Saturday May 2, 2020 at night.

Reported by the New York Post, Ragip Soylu, a Turkey-based journalist in the local media, reloaded images of a group of sheep filling the streets of the city on his personal Twitter @ragipsoylu.

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The video uploaded on Sunday, May 3, 2020 tonight has been seen by more than 3.1 million Twitter users.


“Sheep raided the Turkish city of Samsun last night during the quarantine of the region due to the crown virus,” said Ragip Soylu in his charge.

In the video, most of the sheep are seen moving on the road at different speeds. However, some sheep were seen eating grass around the city area.

Ragip Soylu’s cargo, which shows a flock of sheep filling the streets of the city of Samsun, Turkey, immediately receives several comments.

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