TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID – Make sure your name is registered as a BLT / BSU BPJS Ketenagakerjaan recipient or BLT / BSU employee issued by the government for IDR 600 thousand per month.
The government provides a Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) program to private employees affected by Covid-19.
This wage subsidy aid has entered the fourth wave stage and has already entered the distribution process.
The Ministry of Manpower stated that there were 2.8 million new data on potential beneficiaries that were in the process of data verification.
Now for BSU / BLT stage 5 waiting for data validation to roll out.
Those who have not received BLT of IDR 1.2 million can sign up for the next batch.
• LOGIN https://bsu.kemnaker.go.id Verify BSU / BLT name Click kemnaker.go.id when BLT BPJS Phase 5 is liquid
Reporting from Instagram @kemnaker, now his party has collected 11.8 million data on the beneficiaries of Wage Subsidy Assistance, from stage 1 to stage 4, with the following details:
one. Tier 1 data: 2.5 million data
two. Data Tier 2: 3 million data
3. Level 3 data: 3.5 million data