Sick climbing Mount Slamet, the group left him alone



Seven climbers of Mount Slamet have the heart to leave their sick companions at the top. The seven climbers were fellow climbers from Banyumas, Elsa Qurratul Aini (19) who experienced symptoms acute mountain sickness (AMS) when he was in position two.

“Once they encountered the SAR team, the group of victims continued their ascent to the top. No one accompanied the SAR team to base camp,” Saiful Amri, Head of Mount Slamet Climbing Post via Bambangan, said when contacted by reporters on Monday (11/2/2020).

The event occurred on Saturday (10/31). The SAR team received a report that a climber was ill at 17:30 WIB. Then, around 7:00 p.m. WIB, the climber was evacuated from station two using a stretcher to base camp Bambangan, Kutabawa Village, Karangreja District, Purbalingga Regency.

When the SAR officers evacuated Elsa, the group of climbers accompanying her continued their journey. Saiful also lamented the actions of the seven climbers of Mount Slamet.

“Yes, that is not commendable, we give social sanctions, we build it in base camp in front of many climbers as an example so that there is a deterrent effect ”, he explained.

Although according to him, in the climbing order it is written that it is forbidden to leave a climbing partner under any circumstances.

“The union is more important than the ego, you will not chase the top, you must prioritize mutual security,” Saiful ordered.

See also the video ‘A climber dies on Mount Lawu, the hiking trail is temporarily closed!’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

(ams / mbr)
