Shouts of businessmen about the disability of Jakarta PSBB in front of the mass of Rizieq


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

The failure to implement large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) transition into DKI Jakarta in the spotlight lately. In fact, there are still crowds gathered ignoring health protocols amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Recently, several masses welcomed the return of the Grand Imam of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Rizieq Shihab. An unusual welcome, hundreds of people gathered to greet their return at Soekarno Hatta International Airport (Soetta), causing a long traffic jam. The crowd also continued at FPI Petamburan headquarters in central Jakarta.

It did not stop there, Rizieq supporters met again on the Prophet Muhammad SAW’s birthday, which was celebrated in Tebet, South Jakarta. They were also busy attending the wedding ceremony of the daughter of the FPI official in Petamburan, Central Jakarta.

Overcoming the fear of Covid-19, the masses that came seemed to ignore the health protocol regulated in the Governor’s Regulation (Pergub) Number 51 of 2020 on the transitional PSBB.

As a result, Rizieq received an administrative penalty of Rs 50 million that was said to have been paid.

This condition has drawn strong criticism from various parties, including businessmen. Naturally, entrepreneurs are one of the parties most affected by the implementation of the PSBB that causes the economy to die.

The Vice President of the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) Maulana Yusran assessed that there are gaps in the implementation of the transitional PSBB in DKI Jakarta. The reason was that the provincial government of DKI Jakarta (Pemprov) seemed indifferent to the presence of the crowd that was ignorant of the Covid-19 protocol.

“Yesterday we looked until there was a mass movement like that, it seems that there was no government there. That is precisely what hurts us in the business sector, where there are workers in the business sector who have difficulties to live by following the policies issued by the government, “he added. he said to

On the other hand, he affirmed that the government was very firm in the action against the businessmen who violated the Covid-19 protocol. Like it or not, employers end up complying with the covid-19 protocol during the PSBB period.

Most entrepreneurs continue to run their businesses even though operating costs are higher than their income due to restrictions on visitor capacity and opening hours. Not to mention that they have to spend investment funds to implement health protocols.

Therefore, he regretted the government’s unfair attitude in cracking down on the crowd to welcome Rizieq compared to the government’s firm action against the businessmen who violated the PSBB so far.

“In the field how suddenly the restaurant was sealed, the deal from the Satpol PP was even fiercer, we realized what their actions were like. But how? How come we only fined 50 million rupees with (the crowd ) of several thousand people, while we were at most 100 million people or 20 people were immediately sealed, “he said.

Therefore, it considered that the provincial government of DKI Jakarta should eliminate PSBB’s transitional policy because it is considered ineffective. He suggested that business operations continue to function normally as before the Covid-19 pandemic by continuing to implement strict health protocols.

After all, he said, if entrepreneurs do not enforce the covid-19 protocol, the entrepreneurs themselves will suffer the consequences, that is, customers will leave them behind. The reason is that consumers have now realized the importance of implementing the Covid-19 protocol.

“In our opinion, the policy is better not to have more PSBB, but we continue with the health protocols,” he said.

In addition to being ineffective, it revealed that the implementation of the PSBB has hit the business world hard over the past 8-9 months. He gave an example that the lowest hotel occupancy is typically in the 40 percent range and occurs only one month out of the year.

However, the covid-19 pandemic has put hotel occupancy below 40 percent for 8 to 9 months. Not to mention, many hotel and restaurant workers were also affected by layoffs and layoffs.

He said that the figure reached around 300,000 to 400,000 people from the hotel sector. Meanwhile, from the restaurant business the number is even higher where the workforce that is forced to suffer layoffs or be laid off reaches 1 million people.

“This means that we have been facing this critical condition for 9 months, which affects the resilience of the company. In addition to reducing the durability of the company, it also affects its workforce, many workers in the hotel and restaurant sector are no longer working, ”he said.

I still need PSBB

Similarly, Yusuf Rendy Manilet, an economist at the Indonesian Center for Economic Reform (CORE), said that the PSBB caused economic losses. This is reflected in the contraction of the economic growth of the capital city of Jakarta in the second quarter of 2020 of 8.22 percent annually (yoy) and 11.38 percent quarterly (qtq). With this contraction, he said that DKI Jakarta had lost its economic potential of up to 55 trillion rupees.

“Not to mention deposits, local taxes for DKI Jakarta, such as restaurant, hotel and entertainment services, although this sector contributes around 15 percent of total regional tax revenue,” he said.

Currently, the capital’s economy has started to improve to minus 3.82 percent (year-on-year). In fact, the rate has returned to a positive quarterly rate of 8.38 percent. However, despite the failure to implement the PSBB and its impact on the economy of the capital city, he said that social restrictions were still needed.

The reason is that the number of covid-19 transmissions in the capital remains high. According to him, if the PSBB was eliminated, the risk would be that the trend of covid-19 cases would continue to increase. This condition, Yusuf said, actually made the economic recovery take longer and would end up hurting entrepreneurs.

“For example, the PSBB has been relaxed and abolished, there is no PSBB, but when the Covid-19 case is high, it will result in a longer economic recovery and will have a negative impact on entrepreneurs,” he said.

Seeing this, he emphasized that the key to economic recovery is to control the transmission of covid-19, one of which is through the PSBB. According to him, the crowd that violated the covid-19 protocol in the welcome of Rizieq Shihab should be a lesson for both the provincial government of DKI Jakarta and the central government.

He assessed that the government should be more firm in taking measures against people who violate the rules of the PSBB so as not to take sides with either party.

“This is a lesson, not only for the Provincial Government of DKI but also for the central government to review the implementation of the health protocols. In the context of yesterday, finally the health protocol was only implemented by several parties but other parties they were not disciplined, this is in contrast to efforts to reduce Covid-19 cases, “he added. he said.

Likewise, an economist from the Institute for the Development of Economy and Finance (Indef) Abra Puspa Ghani Talattov said that the PSBB was effective in reducing positive cases of Covid-19. The test, after the PSBB volume 2 rollout from September 14 to October 11, there was a decrease in the daily average of covid-19 cases in DKI Jakarta.

In detail, 1,135 in September decreased to 1,007 in October and 795 in November.

“This PSBB is still relevant in Indonesia, so it reminds the public that this pandemic is not over, so we still need a transition PSBB with the Covid-19 protocol,” he said.

In addition to taking firm measures, he assessed that the government needs to maximize the role of the complaints channel through information technology. So, of course, the conscience of all levels of society must be disciplined when carrying out the Covid-19 protocol.

“How can the public provide real-time reports online and will the authorities take action and dissolve them?” He said.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

(ulf / sfr)
