Sentenced to 1,075 years in prison, Harun Yahya Boss of Sex Cult o …



ISTANBUL – Aliases of Adnan Oktar Harun Yahya | , the controversial Islamic preacher or ustad in Turkey sentenced to 1,075 years in prison for various crimes, including rape, fraud of the foundation and the leadership of criminal gangs.

The prison sentence was handed down by a court in Turkey on Monday. Oktar figure is quite popular in Indonesia for writing books dealing with science and religion. (Read: Turkey punishes the famous Ustad Harun Yahya 1,075 years in prison)

Who is Oktar? Quoting Turkish media; Sabah daily, day Leave out of college, and rose to fame in the 1980s when he gained a following among students, mostly children of the wealthy elite.

During that period, he was arrested for promoting the theocratic revolution. After serving in a mental institution and writing books under the alias Harun Yahya, Oktar developed his cult in the 1990s through the Science Research Foundation, which he founded primarily to promote his anti-evolution books.

In the 2000s, he organized events inTV A9 that he established. He appeared sporadically on hour-long talk shows giving lectures on worldviews, sometimes acting strangely dancing with his followers; young women modestly dressed what he called “kittens.”

Due to his lectures on religion, he was considered a preacher or figure of ustad. However, the Turkish authorities and local media consider him the leader of a sex cult.

He is among 236 defendants on trial since September 2019 and has faced a variety of charges, from espionage to sexual harassment. Oktar received a total prison sentence of 1,075 years in a trial that included 78 defendants. (Also read: Here are 10 Harun Yahya controversies, including having 1,000 girlfriends)

Oktar, 64, and dozens of his followers were arrested in simultaneous raids across the country in 2018. A 499-page indictment describes him and his men as a criminal gang that thrives on extortion, fraud, laundering. of money and a host of other crimes.
