Sadly, the pocket money of TNI soldiers is only about 15,000 rupees.



JAKARTA – Welfare of the soldier Indonesian National Army (TNI) was highlighted in the Working Meeting of Commission I of the DPR with the Deputy Minister of Defense (Wamenhan), the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (Wamenlu) and the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) related to the 2019 budget evaluation.

Deputy Defense Minister (Wamenhan) Wahyu Sakti Trenggono and TNI Commander’s Assistant General Planning (Asrenum), TNI Rear Admiral Agung Prasetiawan, also revealed the amount of pocket money a TNI soldier receives in every operation. The amount is only 52,000 rupees a day. (Also Read: Revealed, TNI Soldiers Welfare Still Using Pre-Reform Standards)

“The welfare of the soldiers in the Ministry of Defense is a concern, we are also looking for ways because there are certain conditions, the soldiers are assigned to Papua, the Ministry of Finance already has standards, we want to make it impossible because there is already a budget,” he said Deputy Defense Minister answering questions from various members of Commission I. DPR at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Wednesday (9/2/2020). (Also read: Members of Commission I DPR call the TNI-Polri clash out of jealousy)

Then TNI Commander Asrenum Agung Prasetiawan also helped answer questions about TNI welfare. He explained that this amount had been determined based on Decree of the TNI Commander Number 1352 / XII / 2018 on Guidelines for the Implementation of the Work Program for the Implementation of the Director General of TNI Headquarters. There it is determined related to routine integrative operations because three-dimensional power users and the amount of pocket money have been mentioned, although it admits that it is still relatively scarce. (Also read: About the TNI-Polri Clash, Observer: Investigation needs to find the problem embryo)

“Efforts to improve the well-being of soldiers are continually being made within the scope of operational assignments. For example, routine integrative activities include an allocation of 15,000 rupees, 31,000 rupees for food, 2,000 rupees for resistance, 2500 rupees for the tactical funds and then an additional amount of rupees. The total routine operation is still around 52,000 rupees, “he explained.

Agung continued, there are also other operations and training costs to secure the border and outer islands, such as Ambalat Island and others. There is an additional pocket of 14,000 rupees, food allowance, etc. For border security (Pamtas), which is regulated in the Regulations of the Commander of the TNI (Perpang), it is divided into several regions. For Region I Rs 43,000 / day / person, Region II Rs 44,000 / day / person, Region III Rs 47,000 / day / person, Region IV Rs 50,000 / day / person, and Region V Rs 55,000 / day / person. “It’s still relatively small, but there are differences already. It’s just, sorry for the insignificant difference, this is TNI Commander’s effort in the wellness sector,” he said.

Additionally, Agung said, there was also an increase in WIP from Rp. 55,000 to Rp. 60,000 and so on. Also, the performance allowance (tukin), which was 46%, is now 70%. “Last year, the president said it was raised to 80%, but due to the situation, the conditions had not yet been met. It is almost the same as the police. Yesterday it rose to 70% together with the Police (the increase), ”he said.

