Sad news, actor Ade Firman Hakim, a Covid-19 suspect, has died


Monday, September 14, 2020 – 8:27 PM WIB

Sad news, actor Ade Firman Hakim, a Covid-19 suspect, has died -

Ade Firman Hakim. Photo: Dedi Yondra / JPNN.Com, JAKARTA – The country’s entertainment scene is in mourning again. Actor Ade Firman Hakim passed away today Monday (9/14).

The sad news was allowed by the younger brother of the deceased, Dai Tirta.

“Yes (he died) around 5:20 pm,” Dai Tirta said, when contacted by the media team.

According to Dai Tirta, his older brother died at the Tarakan Hospital in Jakarta.

The family suspects that the 32-year-old actor died of Covid-19.

“It is suspected to be Covid-19. Please tell me who is fine,” Dai Tirta said.

Dai said that his brother had been hospitalized for a week before he died.

“Last week he had a bad fall but he still had his cell phone to contact his friends, I forbid it,” he said.



