Rina Gunawan passed away. Before leaving, Rina Gunawan was guided by Teddy Syah from a distance.
Teddy Syah made a video call with Rina Gunawan, who was lying down at Simprug Central Hospital Pertamina (RSPP), Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta. Meanwhile, Teddy Shah was at his residence.
“When Ms. Rina Gunawan breathed her last, I was not by her side. In her last moments, I had time to guide her with prayer from home,” Teddy Syah said when he found himself at her home in the Sentul area , Bogor, West Java. , Tuesday (2/2/2) 3/2021).
This is because Teddy Syah is in independent isolation. The wife was exposed to COVID-19 until she was finally taken to the hospital.
“We are currently doing independent isolation. Yesterday my mother came home, so we have to isolate ourselves independently,” Teddy Syah said.
Teddy Syah had the opportunity to thank the neighbors who also prayed for Rina Gunawan. Atalarik Syah’s brother didn’t say many expressions.
Rina Gunawan took her last breath in the UCI at 18:45 WIB. He died at the age of 46.
Before dying, Rina Gunawan had asthma and shortness of breath. But at the end of his life, he was not sure if Rina Gunawan had recovered from COVID or not.
Watch video “Ashanty said that Rina Gunawan had entered the ICU before dying.“
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