Revealed! Sinovac vaccine prices in Indonesia


Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Sinovac vaccine arriving in Indonesia has two forms, namely the finished vaccine and the raw material. The price of the two is different, around US $ 13.3 or Rp. 192 thousand per dose.

This was expressed by the Managing Director of Bio Farma, Honesti Basyir, when buying 3 million doses of the Sinovac vaccine, the price per dose is US $ 17 or Rp. 245 thousand. But he said negotiations were underway to get several hundred thousand doses finally free.

“For the final price to be around US $ 13.3 dollars (Rp 192 thousand), that’s when the importation of vaccines ends,” said Honesti, in the PDR of the VI Committee of the House of Representatives with PT Bio Farma, PT Kimia Farma and PT Indofarma which was broadcast live by the YouTube right of Commission VI. DPR RI, Monday (3/29/2021).

Meanwhile, when the Sinovac vaccine was imported, it was in bulk or as raw material, the price was US $ 10.9 or Rs 157 thousand. That way buying the vaccine in bulk is cheaper, around US $ 3 per dose.

Besides being efficient, according to Honesti, Indonesia also gets technology transfer if it produces its own vaccines. “There is efficiency that we achieve, plus there is technology transfer for self-production, which is good in the future,” he said.

The price determination process is a Biofarma recommendation. Derived from the cost of the product and then added other costs such as distribution, packaging, operations that result in Cost of Goods Sold or COGS.

Once the HPP (cost of goods sold) has been obtained, the Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) verifies it. Finally, the Ministry of Health set the margin as the basis for the contract with Bio Farma.

“HPP from us and BPKP then handed over to the Ministry of Health,” Honesti said.

However, Honesti declined to reveal the amount of the margin at the meeting. He asked to present it in writing to Commission VI. “The contact of the Ministry of Health is the delivery point in the province. Of the percentage of the margin, we only write that it is not good to speak here, “he explained.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]

(Roy / Roy)
