Results of Luhut’s meeting with Donald Trump-Mike Pence in the US


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia –

Coordinating Minister of Investments and Maritime Affairs (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Panjaitan accompanied by the Indonesian Ambassador to United States of America (United States) Muhammad Lutfi visited the White House on Tuesday (11/17) local time.

Luhut’s visit was received by the president of the United States, Donald Trump, and his deputy Mike Pence. Luhut said the meeting was to convey the greetings and gratitude of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, for the support and cooperation between Indonesia and the United States thus far.

Specifically representing Indonesia, he expressed his gratitude for providing facilities Generalized system of Preferences (GSP) from the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR). For your information, the GSP is an exemption mechanism from import duty rates provided by the US to developing countries since 1974.

During the meeting, according to Luhut, Trump also conveyed his greetings and thanks to Jokowi for Indonesia’s cooperation with the United States thus far.

It also conveys a positive assessment of the growing economic ties between the two countries over the years.

Not only did they come together to appreciate each other, Pence also offered cooperation in the production of the corona vaccine between US and Indonesian companies.

Besides that, Luhut also met National Security Advisor (NSA) Robert O ‘Brien to discuss the strategic partnership between Indonesia and the US in the fields of defense and technology, as well as to exchange views on global geopolitics.

Luhut welcomed the various meetings and hoped that the good cooperation with the US could continue to improve during the US government administration in the future.

“I, on behalf of President Joko Widodo, would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to President Donald Trump. Regardless of the official results of the US elections, the friendship has yet to be maintained,” he said in a statement issued in Jakarta on Wednesday (18 /eleven).

Luhut stressed that Indonesia and the United States will always be friends, whoever the president is.

“I also hope that good communication like this can be established with the White House after January 2021,” he said.

[Gambas:Video CNN]

During his trip to the United States, Luhut also met with the President of the World Bank, David Malpass. This was revealed by Malpass’s tweet on his personal Twitter account, @DavidMalpassWBG. He posted a tweet after meeting with Luhut yesterday.

“I am very happy to be able to discuss the labor copyright omnibus law with Minister Pandjaitan, the implementation will provide many benefits for the Indonesian people,” Malpass said in his upload.

The Employment Creation Law is seen as a form of transformation carried out by the Indonesian government in the bureaucratic realm. Malpass also expects a transformation in other sectors of Indonesia.

(good / sfr)
