Regarding the withdrawal of the Rapid Test before traveling, this is the explanation of the Ministry of Health

[ad_1] – Social networks are encouraged by the news that the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has revoked the rapid test as an act of testing before someone travels.

As for the quick test, we can find out if the passenger’s body condition is safe to travel.

It was said that the removal of this quick test would later be replaced by measuring only temperature.

Where more and more otg
There the rules for the quick test before the trip are revoked and the temperature measurement is replaced.
Yesterday a friend of the group tested positive due to massive swabbing in the office, he was fine, there was no heat, he was still active as usual before.

Ngeriii”Wrote the Twitter account @ashamarsha in his tweet, Tuesday (9/8/2020).

Also Read: Understanding PCR and Rapid Tests in Covid-19 Lab Results, Like What?

Also Read: Pregnant Women Can’t Afford Swabs, Is The Test Really For Paid Pregnant Women?

So, is it true that the Ministry of Health has revoked the regulation?

In response to this, the Director General of Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health, Achmad Yurianto, clarified that rapid tests are still being applied for potential passengers.

“The rapid test is not revoked, it is still valid according to the Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Covid-19. The protocol is still in force,” Yuri said when contacted., Wednesday (9/9/2020).

Based on the Decree of the Ministry of Health number HK.01.07 / MENKES / 413/2020 on the Guidelines for the prevention and control of Covid-19 published in July 2020, it is established that the use of rapid tests is not used for the diagnosis.

However, a quick test can be done in certain situations.

Also read: Knowing RT-LAMP, the mentioned Covid-19 test alternative cheaper than PCR

Laboratory staff investigating LIPI pharmaceutical biochemistry performed a validation test for detection of corona virus from swab samples taken at the Puspiptek Serpong Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI) Chemical Laboratory, South Tangerang, Banten, on Monday (8/31/2020).  The RT-LAMP method has a number of advantages including a fast reaction time of approximately one hour.  In comparison, the detection of Covid-19 by the PCR method takes 2 to 4 hours.  RT-LAMP is also used to detect influenza viruses, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) LOTULUNG Laboratory staff investigating LIPI pharmaceutical biochemistry performed a validation test for detection of corona virus from swab samples taken at the Puspiptek Serpong Indonesian Science Institute (LIPI) Chemical Laboratory, South Tangerang, Banten, on Monday (8/31/2020). The RT-LAMP method has a number of advantages including a fast reaction time of approximately one hour. In comparison, the detection of Covid-19 by the PCR method takes 2 to 4 hours. RT-LAMP is also used to detect influenza viruses, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).

Under conditions of limited capacity for Rapid Test-PCR (PT-PCR), a rapid test can be used to put on screen in specific populations and special situations.

Regarding this special situation, as for travelers (including the arrival of Indonesian migrant workers, especially in the area of ​​the State Land Border Crossing Post (PLBDN)), as well as to strengthen contact tracing such as in prisons, homes of the elderly, rehabilitation centers, dormitories, Islamic boarding schools and vulnerable groups.

Also read: Circulating information about the time and location of the CPNS SKB test, this is the appeal of BKN

Not only that, Yuri also said that so far the Circular Letter of the Minister of Health Number HK.02.01 / MENKES / 382/2020 on Procedures for the Supervision of National Travel Agents in Airports and Ports in the Implementation of a Productive Community Life and Safe for Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) is still valid.

Other regulations also continue to apply, such as SE of the Covid-19 Working Group Number 9 of 2020 on the Criteria and Requirements for the Travel of People in the Adaptation Period for New Habits towards a Productive and Safe Society from Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19).

Meanwhile, the Port Health Office (KKP), which is the technical implementation unit of the Ministry of Health, is coordinating with related sectors and the local government is monitoring sanitary quarantine at the entrances of ports, airports and PLBDN.

Also read: The Covid-19 pandemic, health protocols and PT KAI car seat restriction rules …

Covid-19 case operations

A resident wearing no mask walks past a mural containing a message warning of the spread of the Corona virus in the Tebet, Jakarta area on Tuesday (9/8/2020).  Data from the Working Group for the Management of COVID-19 as of Tuesday (8/9/2020) in five districts / cities that were registered to experience an increased risk, so there are currently 70 city districts with high risk of the 65 regions last week.  AMONG PHOTOS / M Risyal Hidayat / hp.BETWEEN PHOTOS / M RISYAL HIDAYAT A resident wearing no mask walks past a mural containing a message warning of the spread of the Corona virus in the Tebet, Jakarta area on Tuesday (9/8/2020). Data from the Working Group for the Management of COVID-19 as of Tuesday (8/9/2020) in five districts / cities that were registered to experience an increased risk, so there are currently 70 city districts with high risk of the 65 regions last week. AMONG PHOTOS / M Risyal Hidayat / hp.

In Kepmenkes number HK.01.07 / MENKES / 413/2020, it explains the operational definition of the Covid-19 case, namely probable cases, confirmation cases, travelers and discarded.

As for this operation, it requires a quick test action.

Here are the details of each operation:

1. Case probable

Suspected case with severe ARF / death with a convincing clinical picture of Covid-19 and no results of RT-PCR laboratory tests.

2. Confirmation of the case

A person who tested positive for the Covid-19 virus as verified by a laboratory RT-PCR test.

In confirmatory cases it is divided into two, namely, with symptoms (symptomatic) and without symptoms (asymptomatic).

Also read: Corona virus is transmitted through droplets and in the air, what is the difference?

3. The traveler

What should be taken into account, someone who has traveled from within the country (national) or abroad in the last 14 days.

Four. Discarded

While in the case discarded there are two criteria. Someone has a case discarded by meeting one of the following criteria:

  • A person with a suspected case status with negative RT-PCR examination twice for 2 consecutive days with an interval of more than 24 hours.
  • A person with close contact who has completed the 14-day quarantine period.

Also read: Health protocols in salons and hairdressers according to regulations of the Ministry of Health Bhayu Tamtomo
Infographic: Learn about the swab test or PCR
