Rapid Antigen Test is a travel requirement, this is the difference to Rapid Antibody Test and PCR


KOMPAS.com – The government issued new conditions for people who want to travel outside the city. That is, you must bring the results of the rapid Covid-19 antigen test.

These requirements are primarily for passengers traveling by train or long-distance plane.

Quoted from KompasTVOn Wednesday (12/16/2020), the new requirement is that passengers on long-haul trains and planes must present the results of the PCR test or a minimal rapid antigen test before departure.

The coordinating minister for Maritime Affairs and Investments (Marves), Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, revealed the reason why passengers should take a rapid antigen test.

“This rapid antigen test has better sensitivity than the rapid antibody test,” Luhut said, in his official statement quoted on Tuesday (12/15/2020).

Also read: Starting December 18, exiting and entering Jakarta must include rapid antigen test results

Differences in Rapid Antigen Test, Rapid Antibody Test, and PCR Test

Reporting from NPR, May 1, 2020, here are the differences between Rapid Antigen Test, Rapid Antibody Test, and PCR Test:

1. Types of samples

A rapid antibody test is done using a blood sample.

Whereas the rapid antigen test and the PCR test are carried out using mucus samples taken from the nose and throat, using the swab method.

Therefore, the rapid antigen test is sometimes called an antigen swab. However, they are basically the same test.

2. How it works

The rapid antibody test aims to look for antibodies to the corona virus. The body produces antibodies in response to infectious agents such as viruses.

These antibodies generally appear between four days and more than a week after infection.

Meanwhile, the rapid antigen test is considered more accurate than the rapid antibody test because it can identify viruses in nasal and throat secretions.

Also read: Luhut asks the train passengers to perform a rapid antigen test, this is the answer of PT KAI

Identification is done by looking for corona virus proteins.

Meanwhile, the PCR test is the most recommended because it can look for genetic material of the virus.

The PCR test uses a sample of mucus that is usually taken from a person’s nose or throat. The PCR test aims to search for genetic material of the corona virus.

This test uses a technology called PCR (Polymerase chain reaction), which amplifies viral genetic material, if any.

The material can be detected when a person is actively infected.

3. Duration of test time

Both the rapid antigen test and the rapid antibody test only take 10-15 minutes for the results to appear.

Meanwhile, tests using the PCR method take from several hours to several days to show results.

The results of the rapid test and the PCR examination may also appear later, if the capacity of the laboratory used to examine the sample is complete.

Also read: Anies Baswedan antigen test is negative but the PCR swab is positive, what is the difference?

4. The accuracy of the test results

In general, rapid antibody tests are not accurate enough to determine whether a person is infected with the coronavirus or not.

However, this test can provide initial information on the potential level of infection in a community.

Because when the results of a reactive antibody test are obtained, it must be extended with a PCR swab test to make sure a person is infected with the corona virus or not.

Meanwhile, a rapid antigen test won’t be as accurate as a PCR test, but the researchers say an antigen test could be used to determine which patients have an infection.

Currently, the PCR test is the most accurate method to detect the SARS-COV2 coronavirus.

However, the PCR test takes longer and is a more complicated process. Examination of the sample can only be done in a laboratory with special equipment.

Also read: So a condition when traveling in the new normal era, what is PCR and why is it expensive?

5. Trial price

Quoted from Kompas.comOn July 13, 2020, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes) set the highest rate for the rapid antibody test at 150,000 IDRs according to a circular dated July 6, 2020.

Meanwhile, as reported Kompas.comOn October 10, 2020, the government through the Ministry of Health requested the provincial and district / municipal health offices to supervise the application of the highest price for the PCR test. The highest price limit for the PCR test is IDR 900,000.

The price of the rapid Covid-19 antigen test in Indonesia currently varies, depending on the laboratory that provides it. Quoted from HappyAs of Nov 15, 2020, the price of a rapid antigen test in Indonesia is in the range of IDR 349,000 to IDR 665,000.

KOMPAS.com/Akbar Bhayu Tamtomo
Infographic: Learn about the swab test or PCR
